Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Big Agra: Prosecute undercover animal activists

This is big news. You may not agree with the process of going undercover with a video camera, but then how will we see what goes on in factory farming and related industries, where food and other animals are raised, horribly mistreated, slaughtered, and brought into OUR food chainin filth and improper methods of preparation. This is called transparency, and something the Obama administration promised in all things.

These videos you see issued from PETA and other sources on the hideous practices of animal handling - from the skinning alive of fur animals in China, the horrible beating of dogs and cats for food in Korea so that the meat will be tender, the deplorable treatment of cattle and dairy cows, chickens and other food animals, horses in fear and pain to be slaughtered and sent abroad.
The list is endless. Apply it to puppy mills. Medical research laboratories.

I commend them.

These animals are what you put in your body. We have a right to know how they are transported, treated before death, how that death is administered, and when it arrives in neat, innocuous little plastic trays at your food store, the quality of the product.

The idea of compassionate care, high standards of care and cleanliness are not four letter words.

Here's a PETA video I just came across from South America, which produces most kosher meat.
It is quite horrific. This isn't ritual slaughter. No religion would sanction this unspeakable cruelty. Watch it if you dare.

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