Sunday, October 25, 2009

American's Birthright - Freedom of Speech, Wayne LaPierre and Diversity Czar Mark Lloyd, another of Obama's Communist Henchmen

Wayne LaPierre's editorial in the Standing Guard section of American Rifleman this month is stunning, honest and to the heart of the matter of the Obama administration's penchant for Czars who are dedicated to abolishing your Bill of Rights. It is called, Silencing the First Amendment.

You will find this extremely important to your life as it is today, and how it will be tomorrow.

It explains the vicious assault to have state run communications on all media networks, even your own local radio stations.

You will not be able to listen to your choice of programming, sent over airwaves. The airwaves - a natural phenomenon will be controlled by the medusa of the Obamanation.

Unless you are made of stone, you will absolutely be angered and horrified that this is happening here and now under this administration.

And then there is this:

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