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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Social media explosion

This is such an interesting video - I think you'll like it. We don't realize how fast information travels. No wonder some one or many would like to stop the concept of mass communication almost instantly.

Heck - I remember I wanted a portable radio when I was a teenager. My parents bought me a Sylvania I think. It was yellow. With the batteries, you almost needed a little red wagon to pull it around. It was in the '50s. God - I hated lugging that blasted thing to the beach. But you had to have a portable radio on the beach towel. You could die without rock and roll.

I remember the first little shirt pocket radio - one dial. Off and on switch. Fit right into a pocket. Will wonders never cease? I believe it was a Sony.

And now - here I am - gray haired old granny - sitting at my computer making mischief, doing photography, talking to you across the world.

How neat is that.

And they want to stop us?

I don't think they can - but beware of "Internet 2" and always be vigilant.

Remember - this is an open forum, so if you have something to say, make a comment.

I appreciate you all - even you guys in DC. Be nice. I could've been your grandmother and I'm warding off Alzheimers.

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