Tuesday, September 8, 2009


To those of you who read my blog, you know that I am a fierce Constitutionalist. You also know that I love animals, nature, wildlife in all its forms. I respect nature and try to tread lightly on the planet. But I will never turn down the gift of venison or any other wild game. Killed in the field with one shot, it is a less-cruel kill than what our domestic animals (including horses) suffer before and at the slaughterhouse and in transit to those hellish places.

I am not vegetarian, and I will fight like hell to stop animal abuse and cruel practices. You know that.

And now we have Cass Sunstein, Regulatory Czar. You thought Van Jones was bad?

We need to galvanize into action right now - this moment - and absolutely destroy his chances to be anything but a zookeeper at best.

Michael Savage, popular talk show host says "Liberalism is a mental disorder."

Now I know why.

Obama is surrounding himself - if we let him - by the most extremist insane czars he can find.
These are dangerous people. They are dangerous to us in the "extreme".

Call your Senators, your Representatives. Leave a message on the White House line. I urge you to discuss Cass Sunstein at your next political meeting, your talk shows, write letters to the media, get on local news.

This president (note the lower case "p") is by far the very worst, and he should be impeached.


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