Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Mayflies, Coal, the government and you


Don't get me wrong. I look forward to that part of the year when the mayflies hatch. They are beautiful. And yes - they emerge, they fly, they breed and they die. One day of life with nary a mouthful of food.

But to destroy an industry and the jobs and lives it supports, is not necessary.

If they are annoying hikers and tourists, that means they are flourishing despite the coal industry.

How stupid we are to believe this government line of crap. Instead, put people to work finding ways to utilize coal and build the plants that will process it so that it will be clean.

I grew up with a coal furnace and the sounds of my father shoveling it from the coal bin and then into the mouth of the old cast iron friend who kept us warm in the winter. It burned blue - it was hard coal. And I remember clinkers and the day it was "disarmed" and we got gas heat.

Lots of people burned coal back then. The sky wasn't gray or yellow with pollutants. It didn't soot up the laundry that was dried on the line and brilliantly clean.

Natural gas was offered by NY and was cheaper. And my father wouldn't have to shovel every morning before he left for work.

And back then we had butterflies and bugs and frogs and toads sung, and birds flew their migration routes, families were large and loving, jobs were plentiful, we wore and used American-made products and were were proud to do it without Wal-Mart. Small business like bakeries and butcher shops and shoemakers, and independent drugstores and neighborhood soda fountains and 5 and 10 cent stores bustled and government was smaller.

But now we must halt an industry because of mayflies who are already a nuisance to some.

But wolves are being slaughtered because they were removed from the endangered classification.

And the world bankers really do want to control the population of the world, so much so that they are prepared to kill off 80 per cent of the global population.

You are endangered, too.

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