Sunday, September 20, 2009


Refreshed from a fantastic, magical trip to Montana with a friend as my guide which not even a malfunctioning camera (thank goodness for point and shoot backups), could spoil, my plans for the day are to do some blogging here, edit photos, and write a letter to the editor of a small Montana paper in answer to an interview with Tom Brokaw. You remember Tom, don't you? Well, at a booksigning in Big Timber, he said a few things that irritated me a lot. I drafted it yesterday.

Tom's losing sight of "us" and the rest of the USA - with condescending remarks on our patriotism and our exercise of freedom of speech at town halls...he believes we should stop the shouting and become more civil.

Hell, we've been quiet so long, it is our fault that we allowed the past several presidents and administrations to get away with the push to socialism.

Not any more.

So I'll print it here when it's ready.

And I'll also post a link to my photos in case you're interested.

Nice to be back, but I wish I were in Montana enjoying the first of the autumnal rains.

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