Friday, August 28, 2009

Rep. Allen Boyd's last nose thumbing at his constituents

As discovered from calls to his office and the Panama City News Herald, yesterday's edition, Rep. Allen Boyd (D-FL) has decided to call off the Obamacare moderated panel discussion at Gulf Coast Community College, Panama City, FL despite 500 ticket recipients who had to pick them up at the college. They were sold out in two hours.

He disdains Bay County so much, that he decided against a town hall meeting and hold this instead, so there would be control of questions and answers.

A few days before, the Bay Patriots (, issued a Citizen Summons for a free interchange of questions and answers in a more traditional format to be held at the college in the courtyard of Amelia Center in the theater arts building. With Burnie Thompson, local talk show host, advertising this town hall, adjacent counties, Sallie May employees, local interested citizens who are averse to Obamacare and other issues, this family and Constitution-oriented event will be held with or without Boyd. Boyd will be in Bay County today, but apparently is too disinterested in his constituents to bother.

This should send a flag up to all counties and constituents in his Congressional district because at any time, he could turn on you.

For all interested parties who want to exercise our Constitutional right to redress government,
bring the family to see our rights to this ideal in action. Someone has donated hot dogs and hamburgers. The event will be held from 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. tonight. Bring lawn chairs and an umbrella.

If he doesn't show, there will be gigantic pieces of paper with your questions, to be mailed to Boyd.

He isn't performing to his oath. He needs to be fired.

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