Saturday, August 15, 2009

Quote of the Day - Two for one!

To love life, is to love everything that lives: *Author unknown*

In response to the above quote I received the following which, if you read it once or twice, is impossible to fault. These are truly words to live by for every human being.

The Living Law

The Heritage And Legacy Of The Tsedek Jew

The Secular Philosophy

That which we believe is simple, straight forward, uncomplicated, and is deeply rooted in the Torah`s principal of an eye for an eye. We Believe in observing the Days Of Remembrance, that we may never forget the cost of our freedom, nor forget our debt to those who have come before us and our obligations to those who will come behind us. We Believe in The Living Law, caring for our own, as well as the stranger among us, who are truly in need. We Believe in being a shield, a shelter, a refuge, each in his own measure. We Believe in the sanctity of the earth for this is the soil and soul from which we bring forth the bread and wine of life. We Believe in the necessity of preserving our identity as a people, and our way of life and the world we live in as the only true legacy to our children and our children`s children. We Believe in the power of the family as the basic repository of the strength from which we must draw for all that we do, for all that we are, and all that we are destined to become. We Believe in accountability for all we do. We are responsible, here and now, for our acts of commission as well as omission, as individuals and as a people. We Believe in the philosophy of peaceful coexistence, but never in peace at any cost. We bend the knee to no man or government. Never again will we wear the chains of slavery or ideological bondage. Never again will we bow our heads beneath the axe in meek submission. Never again shall we submit. We Believe in The Law Of Retribution. We Believe in swift and final justice, tempered with mercy and compassion. We Believe that taking another`s life may be justified in the defense of person and property. We Believe in the precepts of the common defense. We Believe that the peace must be of our own making. We Believe in honesty and respect among ourselves that we may command the honesty and respect of others. We Believe in the rights of all men to believe as they will, but even more do We Believe that no man has the right to force, coerce or seduce another, man or child, to believe or espouse any system of thought, politics, or religion, and any such force, coercion, or seduction deserves and demands the contempt of all men. We Believe that the Flame of Logic and Reason must never be extinguished and must continue to burn in eternal vigil against the darkness of ignorance, bigotry, and superstition.

We Believe.

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