Thursday, August 27, 2009

Bird flu - Polish homeless died in trials

Didn't know this, did you? I'm listening to Alex Jones today, so try to catch his broadcast today at his website. There is a Major General Stubblebine and another doctor on, discussing the World Health Organization, the swine flu vaccine and coming pandemics - of which there are many to come until those in global control can reduce the population by at least 80 per cent so it is manageable, and we can be enslaved.

Squalene, the other doctor contributed, is used a lot in cosmetics, where it does no harm, but when injected as an adjuvant in a vaccine, is attacked by white blood cells. However, they are not killed, but resist and continue to attack your immune system, causing continued illnesses.

Gardasil is soft-killing girls. Auto-immune illnesses, bleeding, as well deaths are occurring, yet nothing is being said. If you survive Gardasil, it is designed to make you infertile. This can be used for race specific control.

Military term for soft-killing is like guerilla warfare, Stubblebine says.

This is a non-event pandemic and designed to control the population by military action and to activate illnesses throughout life until you are dead.

Please do your own homework. This is a very frightening time for the world.

The woman physician just spoke:

It's (squalene) an accelerant to trigger auto immune response. Causes brain damage (swelling). No one has ever proven in any clinical trial whatsoever that the high titer is related in any way to immunity to the disease.

For the "swine flu" schedule:

First target is children: Kindergarten through 12th Grade
Second group: Pregnant Women
Third group: Adult population

Squalene oil is used to irritate the immune system to activate more antibodies. You make more antigens. It's an accelerant to trigger auto immune response. Causes brain damage (swelling). No one has ever proven in any clinical trial whatsoever that the high titer is related in any way to immunity to the disease.

If this seems to ramble, just go to Alex Jones and listen to today's broadcast. Then do a Google search like the one I just gave you here on government testing of the vaccine.



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