Monday, July 6, 2009


We need to keep the heat on all this week, it is time to start the next round of calls. They will be emptying out the voicemail boxes and be back to work this morning, keep burning up the lines!
This is an EMERGENCY ACTION ALERT to stop S.1261, The Pass Act which is worse than Real ID. We need to contact all the members of the Senate Committee for Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs to kill this before it gets to the Senate floor.
Tell them:

1. We are opposed to Real ID and the PASS Act
2. We are opposed to being enrolled in a Biometric Identification System
3. We don't want Social Security Numbers in our DMV databases
4. No RFID chips in our Driver's Licences
5. No federal intervention with the issuance of our State driver's licenses
6. We are not willing to trade our freedom for security.

All of these actions are unconstitutional and a direct attack on our civil liberties and our unalienable rights.

(see this video for more details: ) and is a direct attack on our national security.

This will take you 16 minutes (one minute for each committee member) see their contact info:

Sen. Joe Leiberman, DC CONGRESSIONAL SWITCHBOARD 877-851-6437
fax: 202-224-9750, CT: 800-225-5605 Committe Chair

Sen. Susan Collins, DC phone: 202-224-2523, fax 202-224-2693 Maine numbers

Sen. Daniel Akatta, DC phone: 202-224-6361, fax 202-224-2126,
HI: 808-522-8970 Bill SPONSOR

Sen. Michael Bennet, DC phone 202-224-5852, fax: 202-224-5036, Colorado numbers

Sen. Roland Burris, DC phone 202-224-2854 , fax: 202-228-3333, Illinois numbers

Sen. Thomas Carper, DC phone: 202-224-2441,
fax: 202-228-2190, Delaware numbers

Sen. Thomas Coburn, DC phone: 202-224-5754, fax: 202-224-6008, Oklahoma numbers

Sen. John Ensign, DC phone: 202-224-6244, fax: 202-228-2193, Nevada numbers

Sen. Lindsey Graham, DC phone: 202-224-5972, Fax: none listed, So. Carolina numbers

Sen. Mary L. Landrieu, DC voicemail: 202-224-5824,
fax: 202-224-9735, Louisiana numbers

Sen. Carl Levin, DC phone: 202-224-6221, fax: 202-224-1388, Michigan numbers

Sen. John McCain, DC phone: 202-224-2235, fax: 202-228-2862, Arizona numbers

Sen. Claire McCaskill, DC phone: 202-224-6154, fax: 202-228-6326, Missouri numbers

Sen. Mark Pryor, DC phone: 202-224-2353, fax: 202-228-0908, Arkansas numbers

Sen. Jon Tester, DC phone: 202-224-2644, fax: 202-224-8594, Montana numbers

Sen. George Voinovich, DC phone: 202-224-3353, NO fax, Ohio numbers

If we do not do our part to protect freedom, Independence Day will be meaningless.
Thank you Donna for drafting this text. See for more information. Visit to hear the EMERGENCY Broadcast with Mark Lerner. Watch the short EMERGENCY ALERT Video here:
Watch your email box for the second part of the action to squash this Bill.
Fight for freedom, take action, make the calls again, and please, forward and post this email EVERYWHERE.
Your Friend in Freedom,
Gary Franchi
National Director
Restore the Republic!
PS. Watch your email box for the second part of the action to squash this Bill., 3149 Dundee Rd #176, Northbrook, Illinois 60062, USA

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