Monday, July 27, 2009

In Obamaland, it's illegal to arrest illegals?

Obamaland: Illegal to arrest Illegals

Have you heard about Obama's "new" federal guidelines that prevent officers from arresting illegal aliens? When did this come about? Why has no one mentioned it? Is this Obama flying under the radar net of media reporting? Have you ever heard of anything so nonsensical or dangerous as making it illegal to arrest illegals? What will this do to our immigration problems as outsiders learn that is now legal to sneak into our country? I guess Obama is going to import his electorate for 2012 -- no rational, America-loving American is going to vote for the enemy in the White House. (hat tip Chuck)
Read the whole thing here:

PHOENIX – The Maricopa County Sheriff's Office arrested 72 people during a three-day crime sweep in Chandler and Queen Creek southeast of Phoenix.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio says the operation started as an attempt to control illegal immigration, but new federal guidelines prevent deputies from arresting illegal immigrants solely for being in the U.S. illegally.

The sheriff's office says it released three illegal immigrants from custody Thursday and seven Friday based on instruction from federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents.

The first two days of the operation resulted in 68 arrests, including 14 illegal immigrants who committed a civil or criminal violation and the 10 who were released.

Of the 72 total people arrested, 25 were illegal immigrants.

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