Wednesday, July 15, 2009

From Jeanette Nordstrom National Center for Policy Analysis on saying no to government healthcare

Friends -

Thanks for being a part of the team for Free Our Health Care Now! In one month, over 370,000 people have signed saying no, to government health care!

We truly are in the battle of our lives! Here are the facts on the new 1,018 page bill just released this afternoon. Unfortunately, it has all the bad ideas from previous versions, and more! For instance, there are new federal regulations on the rental of power-driven wheelchairs; new government rules on how providers are supposed to treat patients with dementia; and new regulations on smoking cessation, and everything in between.

In addition to the 1,000 pages of new federal regulations on health care, there are multiple taxes including in the bill because the government will need to raise more than $1 trillion to pay for these new regulations.

The bill creates a new government-run health plan that will undercut the private market pushing as many as 119 million people out of their private health insurance and be forced into a Medicaid-like plan. Employers will be pressed to drop their insurance benefits and send their employees over to the new government plan. This provision doesn’t apply to Members of Congress, who will be able to keep their health plan.

The bill will also create a new federal health board, a group of government bureaucrats that will decide whether your health care is effective or not, which could endanger your ability to receive the health care you need.

To pay for the new federal health board, there will be a new “fair share” tax imposed on everyone’s health insurance to raise $375 million needed for the new bureaucracy. The government has not yet decided what your portion will be.

As I previously wrote to you, there will be a new “tax on individuals without acceptable health care coverage.” In other words, if your health insurance isn’t government-approved you will be taxed.

This is truly a partnership, we need to educate the public! Join our Facebook Cause at Let's move those numbers, send to friends who haven’t signed

And, keep track of our progress on our website - just click on the ticker link under the Eagle. Use our Action Pack to learn about Learning/Teaching Tools about health care so you can be a part of educating the public.

500,000 here we come! This is about our freedom as patients!

Jeanette Nordstrom
National Center for Policy Analysis

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