Friday, June 26, 2009

Thank you, Wayne Pacelle and Julie Falconer of HSUS and All Animals magazine

for printing my article on Granny Annie, my old 3-legged Boston terrier rescue. It was printed in the Voices and Viewpoints Perspective section in the May/June issue.

It was Granny's and my pleasure to bring to public attention via Wayne's HSUS newsletter online and through your magazine, the importance and the blessings of bringing an aging (and in Granny's case, disabled) animal into your home.

Once they end up in the pound (animal control by any name is a terrible place with a deadly future), the old ones fail to appeal to most people, just because they are old. Elsewhere in this blog is Granny Annie's story.

It has been so hot here that Granny Annie hasn't been taken out in her stroller in the evening.
The blackberries are ripe and the yellow flies are hell to live with.

But maybe tonight. We've missed the children on our route, and the blackberries must all be ripe. So perhaps we will venture forth with some plastic bags when the sun has gone down.

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