Saturday, June 20, 2009


I can see it now: When Pigs Flu - the movie

A virus escapes to Mexico (maybe deliberately) from a government biowarfare lab.
CDC and all global equivalents declare a pandemic, though it's really not.
Panic in the streets; military flying overhead, quarantining, enforcing curfews with AUTOMATIC WEAPONS,TANKS, HELICOPTERS AGAINST THE CITIZENRY.
CNN, ABC (reporting from the White House) and other media except the Bay Bullet and other indy newspapers, urge people to be vaccinated. It's the right thing to do!
Vaccine is developed "hurriedly". Meanwhile, the body count bottoms out. Seems it has become contained but the news coverage says otherwise.
Global mandate of vaccinations to be carried out. Here in the USA (Brad Pitt , President, father of 27 children himself in real life) proclaims every child MUST HAVE THIS VACCINE. Parents clamor for it! They love the movie star turned President whose life partner, Angelina Jolie now heads the UN.
But vaccine is developed by evil people, closet eugenicists (the Prez knows and turns a blind eye - how better to reduce the population for the grand experiment to prevent global warming).
It combines genes from creatures never before attempted.
Parents and others responsible for children who are dissidents (aka patriots) refuse to comply and are jailed or killed and sent to the camps.
Children are taken away from them and become wards of the state.
Those that are removed by their loved ones and taken to safe places, survive in secret. Their parents are SURVIVALISTS! THEY HAVE WEAPONS! FOOD STORES! WATER! MEDICINE. THEY ARE PREPARED!
Children given the vaccine are sold as sex slaves with shortened lives (NONE LIVE TO BE MORE THAN 25), sent to labor camps, become government slaves working enforced "green jobs", but most of them die. Those that aren't are sent to breeding farms to insure the global elitists will never be short of slave laborers.

Amerika's most heinous era.

Instead of the American flag, the last scene is a banner on the White House of a flying pig. Coughing.

The end.

NOTICE: The concept of this movie script/book is the sole property of the writer.

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