Sunday, June 21, 2009

Senate Bill 787 - "Clean Water" may steal your well, your irrigation ditch, your municipal wells, your wetlands, creeks, etc.

Senate is about to pass this bill. It's another wolf (my apologies to the wolves - they are as dangerous as cotton balls compared to our Congress).

I got called out on this locally by an activist acquaintance because of an unneeded airport built on thousands of acres of pristine wetlands. I agree in this case. But this is federal control of ALL WATER. Federal control of anything is a bad thing.

Assuming that all family farmers/ranchers know how to manage their land better than big agra or the government, it has far reaching implications for them. Also, the feds can come into your property without a warrant and do whatever they want to do. It's all in there. Read it.

Here's the toll-free if you want to give your Congresscritter a call - works for Senate or the House of Representatives. 877-851-6437.

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  1. i cannot believe im the first to comment on something as big as this.i guess since our economy has failed and all there is left to control is our food and water consunption for profit this is what they do... My home is my castle, my country ,my front lines . DO IT

  2. Thank you, Hodge. No one is commenting. On anything. This is so big - if it passes the Senate we are nearly lost, and if Obamacare goes in, we are the Union of Socialist Amerikan States.

    Thank you for your comments.

    Anyone not reading this bill in Congress should have been yanked from the floor and arrested. It is that important.
