Monday, June 29, 2009

Pravda's jab at the end of capitalism in the USA

Obamacare Nightmare: "If the American people find out that this bill is about giving health care to non-citizens, they will rise up against it."

It just gets uglier and uglier. And here I thought that illegals had healthcare .... the ER. Obama's policies are all about .........screwing America.

Write an E-Mail Message to Congress, the President and the Media

'Obama's Health Care Reform Is Racist' (hat tip Jonathan Galt)

La Raza: "If the American people found out..."

"Suzanne", a female caller to Mark Levin's show on June 25th, revealed the ominous secret of the Democrat health care reform effort.

I want to tell you that last week I attended a conference on health care reform sponsored by La Raza. And I will tell you that what they had to say, Mark, is scarier than anything that's been said so far on the health care plan.

The kind of comments that were made and the notes that I took... they started the conference out by saying "America does not need health care reform, but Latino immigrants need health care reform."

And someone from Menendez' office [Ed.: Sen. Robert Menendez, D-NJ] promised that he would make sure that "the useless barriers of citizenship would not be in this bill" and that he would make sure that they would use keywords like "streamline"...

It was La Raza, the Childrens Defense Fund and Senator Menendez from New Jersey, a representative from his office...

...Yes [they said they would get free health care for illegal aliens], these are my notes, Mark. They actually got up and said "Latino children need health care more than whites". And then they would say things like "you must go out into your communities, use words like 'streamline', use phrases like 'all workers' and 'all families'," because they said -- and I quote -- "If the American people find out that this bill is about giving health care to non-citizens, they will rise up against it."

...One of the quotes they said was, "We want to make sure we take care of barriers like verification, but we can streamline programs to the more affluent" and, quote, "Useless treatments for the elderly can be gone because we don't need to spend money for people who are going to die anyway..

Cont on link
Sotomayor ‘La Raza member’

Posted on May 28, 2009

Barack Obama has picked a radical for his nominee to the Supreme Court. If her own statements are not enough to convince you of her racist attitude, perhaps the fact she belongs to an anti-white extremist group known as La Raza...........

Obama & Anti-White Racism On The SCOTUS?

UPDATE: It's slave reparations, get it? (hat tip deserve liberty)

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