Friday, June 12, 2009

The People over Profits Action Network - ALERT

Action Alert! We Cannot Compromise Access to Justice!

You can help make a difference in the health care reform debate – and we need your help. Now is the time to weigh in! Your rights are at stake.

As Congress and the President prepare to make a significant overhaul of our health care system, there are those who believe that in order to achieve universal coverage, victims of medical negligence must surrender their legal rights and remedies. In the hope of achieving “bi-partisanship,” the Obama Administration has made several comments, indicating their willingness to enact medical malpractice reform in exchange for “bi-partisan” support of Obama’s top domestic priority, health care reform. In fact, this coming Monday, President Obama will deliver a speech to the American Medical Association (“AMA”), a group that supports as one of their top priorities limiting the legal rights of injured patients.

Despite the rigid stance of many congressional Republicans, President Obama continues to “negotiate” in good faith, hoping that Republicans in Congress, the insurance industry, and the AMA will support his efforts. The fact of the matter is that allowing the discussion on health care reform to focus on medical malpractice is a distraction from the real issue of quality care, preventable medical errors which are the 6th leading cause of death in the United States, and the fraud, waste, and abuse of programs like Medicare.

Please call the White House today, and express your view that under NO circumstance, does medical malpractice tort reform belong in a health care reform bill. The tort system has always been a remedy that shines the light on past negligence, thereby reducing medical errors and improving patient safety. We cannot allow special interest groups to put patient safety and protection at risk. We cannot compromise access to justice.

White House Comment Line: 202-456-1111
(Because the President's speech to the AMA is fast approaching, we are asking people to call in rather than email at this time.)

We must not sit by and allow the opponents of health reform to mislead the American people. We cannot allow the protections afforded to every American under the 7th amendment to be sacrificed based on misperceptions propagated by those with a vested interest. We need you, and your alliance of patient advocates to let the White House know that we will not allow special interest groups to hold hostage, the legal rights and remedies of medical malpractice victims. During the 2008 presidential campaign, President Obama affirmed that access to healthcare was a right! The notion that one must relinquish a right embodied in the Bill of Rights in exchange for another right represents bad public policy.

Thank you for your efforts on behalf of civil justice!

The People Over Profits Action Network

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