Friday, June 19, 2009

Liberty Maven - Dollar takes hits,Obama's fly, Iran

Thank God for people who take the time to let you know the truth. Like Mark at Liberty Maven, Aaron Zelman from JPFO, GOA, Covertress, Alex Jones, Atlas Shrugged, The Sustainable Home, Newsmax, Town Hall and Natural News and all the other sources I use. I'm just the gleaner, and I want to thank all of you for reading this blog. Because if you read this blog no matter where you live on this big blue sphere, you know something is wrong. Thanks to the internet, which will slam down soon and become the supervised internet 2, because the globalists are fearful of open minds those who love unfettered freedom and liberty, the transfer of information is nearly immediate.

I thank Rep. Ron Paul, a physician, who in the 20 years I've known about him, has opened my eyes wide and caused me to think. I hope your country has a Ron Paul. You need that person to help get your country back from the global elitists.

I hope the flame in your heart keeps burning.

Case in point today: Burnie Thompson, WYOO talk radio host. On his program today he ran an ad on cap and trade. This tax, the global warming tax, threatens us with an unbearable burden, yet Obama (who has still not been forthcoming about his birth and educational records - and what would it matter if he is really who he says he is, to show the proof to the American people),
is saddling us with the burden of an impossible debt. And shortly, you will pay for it, too. He asked for us to call Allen Boyd, our Representative whose made a bundle off farm subsidies (he's on the committee), and tell him NO ON THE CAP AND TRADE BILL. The receptionist at Tallahassee was hanging up on people and annoyed that they were robocallers, being made to call. So I called Washington and asked for the Cap and Trade aide (Josh), not the intern. I explained to Josh why I was opposed to this bill and in the end, he hung up.

Then the unexpected happened. This conservative station received notice from Boyd's office to quiet down - they were annoyed at the calls. Total bullshit. I hope Boyd is deluged with calls.
And I hope the management of the station will understand that we still have freedom of speech to discuss the subject of the day, which will affect all us in a most egregious manner, and that they should be really proud of Burnie Thompson and fortunate to have him.

The offices of our government are supposed to log in each call accurately. I have a feeling Boyd will never know. Why should he care? After the Representatives and Senators get elected, they forget who put them there. They think they are so secure that they cannot be unelected. We'll see about that.

But I want to thank Burnie Thompson who is as sick as I and so many others over what is happening in America, who can see right through what is happening. (Read the Emperor's New Clothes somewhere in this blog.)

In our lifetimes - in our children's and grandchildren's lifetimes - there will be no tidal wave that threatens our lives. We will never burn up. This is a cruel hoax - a Hegelian concept to dupe us and separate us from our money. The government is so arrogant, that they presume over 3,000 scientists, that global warming is going to destroy the planet in our lifetimes.

We are losing our jobs overseas at such an alarming rate that we won't be able to pay this tax!

And soon, when the Federal Reserve has printed so much money our dollars are totally worthless, we will lose our currency for credits. The end of currency all over the world.

If you live in another country, read our founding documents. I have them here on this blog somewhere in the beginning - try around August of last year. You'll have to scroll around.
They are amazing. And they apply to you because all of us are freeborn, and all of us have seeds of liberty planted in our hearts and minds. Remind yourself of these things daily.

God bless. We need more than prayer. We need integrity, strength of character, courage, and strong voices to get us through what a handful of people in this world want for us.

Don't accept what is being fed to you by people who tell you what to do and how to think.
Think for yourselves.

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