Thursday, June 11, 2009

Judge Roy Moore for Governor of Alabama from Joseph Farrah, WND

Judge Roy Moore for governor – and why

By Joseph Farah, editor and CEO of WorldNetDaily

There is one very interesting governor's race shaping up for 2010 – one in which every American who values liberty should be engaged, no matter where you live.

It is the Alabama campaign of Judge Roy Moore, "The 10 Commandments Judge" who lost his position as Supreme Court justice for refusing to stop acknowledging God.

He could have kept his comfortable position by laying down before the federal inquisitors exceeding their scope of constitutional authority. But he chose principle over pragmatism. He chose God over government.

That's the kind of man Judge Roy Moore is – a man I am proud to call my friend.

And that's why he needs to be elected governor of Alabama. As governor, he will stand up to Barack Obama's Washington and make Alabama a bastion of true liberty – a shining city on a hill for all Americans.

Rep. Artur Davis, Judge Roy Moore's likely Democratic opponent, is a good friend of Barack Obama from their Harvard Law School days.

Judge Moore's campaign will be of national significance not only because of who Judge Roy Moore is, but because of who his likely Democratic opponent will be – Rep. Artur Davis, a good friend of Barack Obama since their days together at Harvard Law School.

Davis fully supports the insanity being promoted by Obama's administration. He's cheering it on. He's supporting it in Congress. He will no doubt be the beneficiary of millions of dollars in campaign contributions from the Obama machine.

In other words, it's not just a nationally significant race because of Judge Roy Moore's participation. It's a nationally significant race because of Obama's interest and participation.

There are three ways you can help elect Judge Roy Moore and preserve Alabama as an independent, sovereign state that can serve as a beacon of truth and light for the rest of the nation:

We need many more men like Judge Roy Moore. If we're ever going to have them, we must rally behind them when they offer to lead. There will be many important electoral battles waged in 2010. But this may be the most important of all – not just for Alabamans, but for all Americans.

Click Here to Support Judge Moore

Joseph Farah
Joseph Farah
Editor and Chief Executive Officer

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