Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Innocence Project - Conviction is more important than the request for DNA testing of Osborne!

For 35 years, hospitals have been taking DNA blood samples on newborns. Burnie Thompson, who is a popular talk radio host on WYOO here in the panhandle of Florida, sharply criticized the supporters and Governor Crist who signed legislation to expand the forceful collection of all prisoners charged with felonies...guilty or not.

I agree.

And then you have this. The story of William Osborne, client of The Innocence Project charged with rape. For years he has been requesting DNA testing for a rape he said he didn't commit. The Supreme Court...THE SUPREME COURT!...HAS RULED THAT THE CONVICTION IS MORE IMPORTANT FOR THIS CRIME THAN THE TRUTH, AND WILL NOT ALLOW DNA TESTING.

This is not a slippery slope. This is cause for the entire Supreme Court to be removed from their appointments.

Osborne resides in Alaska.

He needs your support. Next time it could be you, your family, your friends on death row with nothing but a DNA sample standing between you and execution.

This is a heads up. Our Supreme Court needs to revisit this and allow Osborne the testing to discover the truth.

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