Tuesday, June 30, 2009

FED to monetize 1.75 trillion more in 2009


This is absolutely abominable. If you haven't heard, the UK's pound is on the verge of collapse.
The dollar is being devalued every time the printing press at the FED spits one out.

Don't you understand that we are on the brink of such disaster that the world will never be the same? That my country, that bastion of security, liberty and freedom is falling to its knees under a tyrant put there by the same people who are pulling your countries down?

"They" - the relative handful of global elitists that belong to the CFR and the Bilderbergs want a total global slavery system. There will be no class structure - we will only be slaves to the New World Order.

There is no time for words anymore. Change has come with chains - here in the USA only one move on the chessboard is between us and a communist government similar to what Russia had in the 50s. That is socialized medicine. The Cap and Trade bill endangers our well being and our lives and liveliehoods here in America. It is so serious, that even our rain puddles have now been taken over by the federal government under the half white prince, Obama.

We are under a red alert. We are just waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Be aware of what your government is doing to you and decide what assets you have to counteract the powers that be to make you slaves. It will come in the crash of your economic structure, your currency. Your food and fuel will be scarce or unavailable. When they take our food and ration it, take our health care and socialize it to the lowest common denominator, they will have achieved their goal of gloval governance.

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