Saturday, June 27, 2009



Eight traitors to the principles of the Republican party handed the Democrat-communists victory which may lead to the greatest tax increases and most far-reaching centralized (dictatorship) control over every aspect of American life. (hst tip TC)

The vote was 219 - 212 - the 8 RINO votes would have stopped this marxist-transnationalist legislation in its tracks.. On a good note - 43 democrats rejected the insanity.

Red State has the those that must be targted and voted out. The Quisling Republicans

Bono Mack







Smith (NJ)

Complete vote tally here.

219-212: Cap and Trade Passes House. On to the Senate

The Democrats in the House of Representatives have voted to destroy the United States economy unilaterally. The vote was 220-203. 5 people did not vote. (As of 7:15 p.m.)

The vote was extremely close. 8 Republicans voted yes. 43 Democrats voted no.

Your persistent phone calls kept the margin very narrow and now make it extremely difficult to pass the Senate.

We must keep up the pressure in the Senate. We also now have a lot of momentum going into the healthcare fight. Democrats cannot expect to hold the same economy destroying coalition together.

Also, several Democrats are now dead men walking. We will clean their clocks next year.

UPDATED: Both James Inhofe and Harry Reid predict the legislation is dead in the Senate.

Republicans voting yes:

Congressman Mary Bono, California 202-225-5330
Congressman Mike Castle,Delaware 202-225-4165
Congressman Mark Kirk Illinois 202-225-4835
Congressman Frank Lobiondo New Jersey 202-225-6572
Congressman Leonard Lance New Jersey 202-225-5361
Congressman John McHugh New York 202-225-4611
Congressman Dave Reichert Washington State 202-225-7761
Congressman Chris Smith Trenton New Jersey 202-225-3765

Daryl wrote me earlier:

Did our government surrender to Beijing without telling us?
If this bill passes, it will have the effect on America the Versailles Treaty had on Germany.
We are going to recieve a double-whammy because the treaty exempts the worst polluters, the ChiComs, from mandatory emission controls, but WE get to help foot the bill for whatever pollution controls the despots in Beijing decide to deploy.
Our manufacturers are mandated to pay for their own investments in pollution control technology and, indirectly through higher taxes for foreign aid, for THEIRS.
How come the world's biggest debtor nation has to raise taxes and borrow more money to pay for aid to the biggest creditor nation?
Naturally, this will only further the transfer of manufacturing to China.
After the greenback goes the way of the Deutschmark, the middle class has lost its savings to hyper-inflation, and all our non-government jobs have gone to China, how will we avoid the rise of an American Hitler?

The Democrats Strike (your wallet) again

Atlas reader TC asks, do you remember the Democrats who lobbied Iraq? In the summer 2008 -the destroy-USA democrats lead by "Chuck" Schumer corralled then Secretary of State Condi Rice forcing her to pressure Iraq into canceling six contracts that it previously awarded Western oil companies - Exxon, Chevron, Shell, Total, BP, etc.

Thanks to these leftists - their ally and model of "progressive utopian dictatorship" - communist China - has reaped the rewards enabled by Democrat treason and purchased 550 million barrels of oil at $16/barrel:

From Phil's Stock World:

"How much smarter is China than the US?

Well let’s see - The US has spent $1,000,000,000,000 fighting in Iraq and thousands of our soldiers have died and we have secured ZERO barrels of oil for ourselves. China was not part of the coalition of the willing but, for just $8.8Bn, they are getting 550 Million barrels of oil, almost the size of the US’s entire strategic petroleum reserve, through the purchase of Addax Petroleum, and 20% of those reserves are in Iraq . While Bush filled our reserve up "at any price" and became the single largest buyer of crude in the world, filling our SPR at a rate of 2-3Mb a week at times, China simply waited patiently on the sidelines and is now coming in and buying wholesale. That’s pretty smart!

And America is turning over energy to these assclowns? A 1,300 page bill that no one has even read is being rammed down our throats?


Despite repeated warnings to "Say No to Koh", Harold Koh was confirmed. This is a dark day. American sovereignty R.I.P. Say no to Koh? With a vote of 62-35, we didn't even say maybe. This is an indication that so few knew what was at stake, and once again the media abdicated its role of public servant, not Obama's slave.

The future of American jurisprudence hung in the very balance. Koh opposes national self-interest. He is dogged and determined to advance his views. He believes traditional sovereignty is obsolete. He has written critically of the very notion American exceptionalism.

Harold Koh Confirmed After Long GOP Delay

Yale Law School Dean Harold Koh was confirmed as the State Department Legal Advisor in a roll call vote, 62-35.

We needed 51 votes.

Koh was tapped for the job nearly four months ago, but has faced criticism from some conservatives for an alleged "transnational" approach to the law. But ranking Senate Foreign Relations Committee Republican Sen. Richard Lugar (R-IN) threw his support to Koh, in a statement Thursday: "After reading his answers to dozens of questions, attending his hearing in its entirety, meeting with him privately, and reviewing his writings, I believe that Dean Koh is unquestionably qualified to assume the post for which he is nominated."

1. Harold Koh's Transnationalism (overview of series)

2. What "transnationalism" is

3. Customary international law

a. What customary international law is

b. The transnationalist game on customary international law

4. Treaties

a. The scope of the treaty power

b. The domestic legal status of treaties

c. CEDAW as a case study

(1) CEDAW and the CEDAW committee

(2) Koh's remarkable testimony about CEDAW

d. The treaty game

5. Constitutional law

a. Reinventing the Constitution (Part 1): Koh's positions

b. Reinventing the Constitution (Part 2): The flaws in Koh's positions

c. Reinventing the Constitution (Part 3): What Koh's positions threaten

d. The constitutional game

6. The role of the State Department legal adviser

Additional Posts

1. Koh's confirmation hearing
Review of Koh Confirmation Hearing Transcript--Part 1
Review of Koh Confirmation Hearing Transcript--Part 2
Review of Koh Confirmation Hearing Transcript--Part 3
Koh's Written Answers to Senator Lugar's Questions
Koh's Written Answers to Senator DeMint's Questions

2. Koh and the Alien Tort Statute

3. Koh and National Security

UPDATE UPDATE: Here are the traitors in the Republican party that help usurp American sovereignty and who voted for pro-sharia dhimmi, “transnationalist” and far-left radical Koh:

Mel Martinez, RINO - Florida

Richard Lugar, RINO - Indiana

Susan Collins, RINO - Maine

Olympia Snowe, RINO - Maine

George Voinovich, RINO – Ohio

ACTION ALERT EMERGENCY: Say no to "Crap and Trade" There is no such thing as Climate Change, It's called "Weather"; STOP THE "FATTEN AL GORE SOME MO" TAX!

UPDATE! 6:15 PM FILIBUSTER! Just thought you might all might want to tune in to CSPAN. House Republican Leader John Boehner is taking the liberty of reading the entire 300-page amendment added to the Waxman-Markey energy bill THIS MORNING at 3am. Democrats want to pass the largest tax in American history, slipping amendments in in the dark? Republicans won’t stand for this. Check it out. His commentary is pretty good too and Waxman isn’t happy.


Cap and trade vote expected today, time, details International Business Times
It's crap and trade.
Cap and Trade is a fancy word for tax increase. Worse, it is a tax on the middle class to subsidize the affluent. States that rely heavily on energy pay more. Miami, Ohio will subsidize Miami, Florida. Why not tie actual warming to carbon taxing based on evidence? Considering that it has been decreasing since 2002, the gubmint might wind up owing us money.

So much going on - breathless. BUT STOP AND LISTEN.

Atlas readers! Call your members of Congress at 202-224-3121 and tell them that they oppose this energy tax. This is a 1,200 page document with an addendum of 300 pages which was added at 3am last night! They are expected to vote on this today. It is a very close count so far.



This must be stopped. The vanpires must get their teeth out of the American taxpyers neck. this is a crushing blow to capitlasim and free markets to say nothing of the advancement of junk science
This will bankrupt the nation.The massive 'cap and trade' legis. will mean up to 90% eventual increase in your electricity bill..check out the facts - THIS IS BEING VOTED ON IN THE HOUSE TODAY! CALL YOUR CONGRESSMAN AND TELL THEM TO VOTE NO ON CAP AND TRADE!

how many politicians read these additional 300 pages 12 hours ago and understand it ?

If they can't get through to their reps on capital hill, call their district office

More here

Anticipating such alarmist efforts, Dr. Ross McKitrick, the brilliant University of Guelph Economics Professor who helped debunk the Hockey Stick fraudulence of Mann et al, called their bluff in this June 12, 2007 Op-Ed. McKitrick’s full argumentation, including his mathematical modeling can be read here (McKitrick, Ross. “A Simple State-Contingent Pricing Rule for Complex Intertemporal Externalities,” July 1, 2008, at the Social Research Network site).

McKitrick’s premise is simple—and wait for this—evidence-based!

Why not tie carbon taxes to actual levels of warming? Both skeptics and alarmists should expect their wishes to be answered

Below are the salient points of McKitrick’s proposal. Again, the entire June 12, 2007 Op-Ed can be read here, and his full discussion of the proposal can be evaluated here.

The IPCC [Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change] predicts a warming rate in the tropical troposphere of about double that at the surface, implying about 0.2C to 1.2C per decade in the tropical troposphere under greenhouse-forcing scenarios. That implies the tax will climb by $4 to $24 per ton per decade, a much more aggressive schedule of emission fee increases than most current proposals. At the upper end of warming forecasts, the tax could reach $200 per ton of CO2 by 2100, forcing major carbon-emission reductions and a global shift to non-carbon energy sources.

Global-warming activists would like this. But so would skeptics, because they believe the models are exaggerating the warming forecasts. After all, the averaged UAH [University of Alabama-Huntsville] / RSS [Remote Sensing Systems] tropical troposphere series went up only about 0.08C over the past decade, and has been going down since 2002. Some solar scientists even expect pronounced cooling to begin in a decade. If they are right, the T3 tax will fall below zero within two decades, turning into a subsidy for carbon emissions.

At this point the global-warming alarmists would leap up to slam the proposal. But not so fast, Mr. Gore: The tax would only become a carbon subsidy if all the climate models are wrong, if greenhouse gases are not warming the atmosphere, and if the sun actually controls the climate. Alarmists sneeringly denounce such claims as “denialism,” so they can hardly reject the policy on the belief that they are true.

Under the T3 tax, the regulator gets to call everyone’s bluff at once, without gambling in advance on who is right. If the tax goes up, it ought to have. If it doesn’t go up, it shouldn’t have. Either way we get a sensible outcome.

Gore has scored 100 million dollars in "global warming" hoax.

Al Gore’s venture capital firm has invested $6 million in a software company that stands to make billions of dollars from cap-and-trade regulation — further fueling controversy that Gore lied about his profiteering from cap-and-trade to Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) and the House Energy and Environment Subcommittee during testimony in April.

Hara Software sells software to help track greenhouse gas emissions. The market for such software is now about $2.5 billion dollars in size, and is expected to grow by a factor of ten to $25 billion if cap-and-trade legislation is enacted, according to Hara CEO Amit Chatterjee.

Kleiner Perkins, a venture capital firm in which Al Gore is a partner, invested in Hara just last year. Chatterjee told Reuters that,

UPDATE: Left Coast Rebel has the numbers here. Wow.

Cap and Tax ...get on the horn

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