Sunday, May 24, 2009

Remember our sons and daughters who given their lives

for the ideals of liberty and freedom. Will this Memorial Day be the one we will remember as the time we lost our freedoms, liberty and our way of life to an unqualified, unverified bagman from Chicago? That very man is shoving socialism down our throats like farmers drenching restrained, powerless livestock with medication in squeeze chutes and driving us like cattle to the death of freedom and the proud Republic America once was?

We have very much more to worry about this Memorial Day than ever before.

God bless the Republic! Keep the sacrifice of veterans who fought on this land for our country fresh in your mind; and those also who we send abroad in the pursuit of freedom from oppression in the uniform of the rights guaranteed to all men under our Constitution; our warriors fought against tyranny and for our soldiers who will die today and tomorrow and in every day after as they fight what they believe is a just and righteous ideal against the tyrants of the world.

Remember our veterans and remember that you are a warrior, too. Freedom is not free.

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