Monday, May 4, 2009

Pneumonia? Chest cold? Bronchitis? Try a mustard plaster.

I'm no stranger to these. My mother and grandmother made and put them on me, I did it for my son, whoever is in need - they get my mustard plasters. I make them from Coleman's dry mustard in the yellow can.

They are so potent - you need to watch tender skin for burning - pink to red isn't good - next step is the blister.

Here are the directions.

I used to run fevers which sent my parents and grandmother into hysteria. I remember one particularly bad episode when it wouldn't break. I got wrapped up in an old, scratchy olive drab wool military blanket, and placed in the bathtub with mustard and warm water.

The fever broke almost immediately.

Today, we have tylenol and alcohol rubs.

But not then.

You got a quarter of a Bayer aspirin if you were a kid.

Anyway - from experience - this works. Try it next time.

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