Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Michael Savage US talk show host vs. Jacqui Smith and Great Britain

No matter where in the world you are, and you feel freedom of speech is sacred, please visit the links below. There is also a link to Jacqui Smith's office - I expect from my readers, an enormous response to this egregious assault on an American citizen who does nothing but express his thoughts opinions.

It's time to support Savage, who has been banned from Great Britain by this cretinous bureaucrat. He has been classified as a terrorist, with some terrorist heavyweights who have murdered and caused terrible violence. Savage, as I know him, is opposed to militant, Muslim extremists, and as we all know, Great Britain now numbers 40 per cent of the population as Muslim; the tail that may wag the dog, here.

Savage's home radio station - KGO in San Francisco: 415-954-8106. Here's the number to voice your support for a fellow American.

This is an overwhelming assault on Americans, by a country we liberated from the Fuhrer.

How soon they forget.

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