Saturday, May 9, 2009

Letter to your Congressman re Obama's proof of American citizenship

We still don't really know. This could be the worst fraud in history. We just DON'T KNOW. Here is a draft letter which you can add to, copy, paste and send by snail or by email to your Congressmen.

Honorable Sir,

Let me state, Sir, for the record, I am NOT a conspiracy theorist. However in light of the obvious systematic emasculation of my country by this person who has yet to provide irrefutable proof that he is constitutionally eligible to hold the highest office in the land, one can not ignore what has the appearance of covert acts of coercion in the courts of this land. Ample evidence exists that virtually every suit brought before legal authority to rectify this very serious matter has been ridiculed, ignored, or quashed out-right. Mainstream media seems to be unaware of these facts and I, and all right thinking Citizens, want to know why.
Further, let me state, again for the record, any and all proofs brought forward in evidence must undergo extensive and extreme examination to eliminate any possibility whatsoever of forgery and fraud. Eligibility must be proven beyond all doubt, to Congress, and to the American People. As a sworn Constitutional Officer it is your responsibility to pursue justice in this matter forthwith.

Sincerely and with all due respect,

Your signature

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