Saturday, May 2, 2009

Let me share the work of an incredible artist...

Her name is Jennifer Ivory - an architect, who shares my love of insects. I met her today at our annual Festival of the Arts, and I was blown away.

First, I walked past her tent, steaming mad. It took a nanosecond for the steam to exit my ears and nose. What?!!!! Pinned butterflies, beetles and odes in shadowboxes ARE NOT ART!

And then I turned the corner and entered the tent, and the dazzling display before me was incredible. She makes these beautiful insects from paper, balsa wood, acetate, pen, ink, paint, wire.
They are three dimensional, all pinned, just like in a museum, framed in shadow boxes.

They are brilliant replicas, true to size, color and detail. She researches thoroughly.

Even if you don't like "bugs" like scarab beetles or katydids, you need to see her work.

You will not forget her talent.

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