Saturday, May 30, 2009

Americans: Are you ready to pay $1300 annually for the new energy tax? Watch this video, then send the petition. This is unbelievable, but believe!

Dear Thomas,

Remarkable. Last week, when we emailed you about our "Stop the Energy Tax" campaign, our goal was to raise $100,000 in 48 hours to get moving. Together, we beat our goal and raised over $130,000.

Since last week, the anti-energy elites have become more open about their intentions to punish Americans with new energy taxes, even as the price of gasoline creeps up at the gas pump.

Today, when talking about cap and trade, Speaker Pelosi said: "Every aspect of our lives must be subjected to an inventory ... of how we are taking responsibility."

We must fight back against those who want to dictate to us how we use our energy - in our homes, in our cars, you name it.

We've launched our "Stop the Energy Tax" petition to get this message out. To start off, watch this new video we produced and then sign the petition by clicking here.

Once you've signed, please forward this email to 10 of your friends and ask them to sign the petition here:

Cap and trade is an energy tax. It's that simple. It is an effort to make energy more expensive for the average American, so that we use less. That's just not a solution. Instead, it's a recipe for killing jobs.

With your help, we can defeat this new energy tax.


Dan Varroney
Senior VP and COO
American Solutions


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