Friday, April 17, 2009

Janet Napolitano MUST BE FIRED!

What she has done is so egregious, that Michael Savage (talk show host) and the More Law Center have filed a federal suit against her. What has been released in the document that is making so many Americans livid and very aware of their Constitutional rights, is not the rest of the story.

The rest of the story is the classified information contained in the document and Savage has filed FOIA papers to force the rest of the document into the light for us all.

Because our new (and former) government has placed their workings in the dark, it is time for us, as Americans to act, for what we don't know will hurt us.

Please call, fax or email your elected officials about removing this woman from her post. Tell them we want her fired, or "we will fire you" in the next election.

This must be done. Please start today.

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