Thursday, April 9, 2009

A Brilliant Response to talk show host Michael Savage from Aaron Zelman of JPFO on the Second Amendment and cops being "outgunned".

America's Aggressive Civil Rights Organization

April 9th 2009


This letter can be read on JPFO at -

Dear Michael,

I was alarmed at the recent opinion brief you posted on your
website - -
advocating the outlawing of so-called "assault rifles". (JPFO
archive copy - )

I doubt that I'm the only American who was perturbed by your point
of view. While loudly decrying and condemning the political
trickery of the insidious socialists and authoritarians in our
midst, you have now written and published an influential piece to
further their agenda.

As an American Jew, and the founder of "Jews for the Preservation
of Firearms Ownership" (JPFO), I believe that I can offer a unique
perspective on the dangerous fallacies of "gun control". I would
hope that I might get you to reconsider your present stance.

You seem to be, as are many well meaning Americans, ignorant of
certain aspects of world and U.S. history. You are, as are many,
also significantly misinformed of some critical facts of life
within the present day U.S. law enforcement community.

Most disturbingly, you seem to also misunderstand the true intent
of the Second Amendment, the very cornerstone of The Bill of
Rights. Perhaps more than anyone in this nation, you make full use
of the First Amendment every day you are on the air, and every time
someone accesses your web page. That you seem to have failed to
make a connection between the Second and the First is
disheartening. I invite you to view a JPFO production: "2A Today
for the U.S.A." - It is a
free download. It is perhaps the best explanation of the Second
Amendment available to Americans today.

So, herein, I would like to counter your ill conceived assertions
and, at the same time, make my case for why high capacity semi
automatic rifles must remain available to Americans.

First, I must chide you on your use of the phrase "assault rifle".
It betrays either an ignorance of firearms, or you are knowingly
using one of the gun prohibitionists' pet deceptions.

Please realize that every time you use the term "assault rifle" you
are using an emotionalized buzz word that has been purposefully
mutated and distorted, and then injected into mainstream media
jabber and political parlance by the likes of your close friends
Dianne Feinstein, Charles Schumer, Barbara Boxer, Hillary Clinton,
Michael Bloomberg, William Jefferson Clinton, Sarah Brady, Eric
Holder, and legions of their socialist ilk.

In fact, the present day purposeful mis-usage of the term "assault
rifle" was the 1988 brainchild of venal gun prohibitionist and
propagandist Josh Sugarmann. He openly declares in his own book
why the deceptive nomenclature is so effective. Sugarmann says:

"The weapons' menacing looks, coupled with the public's confusion
over fully automatic machine guns versus semi-automatic assault
weapons--anything that looks like a machine gun is assumed to be a
machine gun--can only increase the chance of public support for
restrictions on these weapons. In addition, few people can envision
a practical use for these weapons."
-Josh Sugarmann, Assault Weapons and Accessories in America, 1988

For all intents and purposes, American citizens CANNOT own actual
assault rifles. An assault rifle is a firearm that has a select
fire option that allows it to operate as a fully automatic machine

You may chalk this up as nick picking, but it is not.

Why? Because here is an important question: Can the police arm
themselves with fully automatic rifles, actual assault rifles?

Of course! And they now do so with increasing regularity.
Absolutely no one is stopping them!

Can the huge majority of Americans arm themselves with fully
automatic rifles?

No, they cannot. Fully automatic rifles were made, for all intents
and purposes, pragmatically illegal by the Firearms Act of 1934.

Yes, you can own a machine gun if you are willing to pay a $200
tax, and then find a pre 1986 full auto machine gun, and then shell
out the exorbitant price for such a hard to find gun. So even
licensed machine gun owners can't get their hands on the hardware
that your local cop shop can locate and easily acquire with a
direct query to an agency like Homeland Security and/or BATFE.

Next in your opinion brief, you go on to infer that the police are
"outgunned". This is simply not true. In fact, it is a blatant
lie that you have been duped into believing.

I repeat, the federal government, especially since 9-11, stands
ready to fund the supply of both semi automatic and fully automatic
rifles to police authorities. Many cops now drive around with semi
automatic rifles within arms reach in their patrol cars. Chicago
has instituted this policy. Read -

Every cop on the seven man Jasper, Florida police department packs
a fully automatic AR-16 in the patrol car! If the little town of
Jasper can do it, no other municipality in America should find it
difficult to follow suit. Read -

The transition to semi automatic rifles is really no more complex
or difficult than the transition from revolvers to semi automatic
pistols the police have almost universally made over the last two
decades. Give the cops the guns. Teach them how to use them. It is
being done all over America. Los Angeles was way ahead of the curve
on this trend.

So "outgunned" is a red herring, Michael. Don't be suckered.

The next important correction to your opinion brief: You infer that
there is a "flood" of illegal semi automatic weapons being smuggled
across our inarguably porous borders. Wrong. They are being made in
America at this very moment. As fast as American factories can turn
them out! Why? Because Americans by the millions NOW WANT THEM.

Maybe visions of Korean-Americans standing guard on their Los
Angeles rooftops with AK-47 type semi auto rifles put some ideas in
our minds. Ravaging looters were held at bay (and some killed) and
many of the Korean stores were the only buildings left un-plundered
in entire blocks. Other than the fact that Koreans are notorious
for not messing around, I wonder why.

With America and the world in the first stages of a global
financial meltdown, is such civil unrest likely to be repeated in
America in the near future? Do you even need to answer that one?

These guns (semi auto rifles) aren't being smuggled into America in
any great numbers. The AR-15 style semi auto is legally
manufactured by at least ten different firms in the U.S. Smith &
Wesson makes one, Remington makes one, and Colt has been making
them for decades. The AK style semi autos are mostly made abroad,
but legally imported. However, there are also several U.S.
manufacturers of the AK style semi auto. (Keep that image of the
defiant Korean store owner in your head.)

Next, you use a deceptively simplistic quote: "Well, Mike, if we're
armed with these weapons, the government can't possibly take our
rights away."

Nothing guarantees our freedom with complete assurance. Nothing.
Our task as Americans is to make the theft of our freedom an
extremely risky and bloody task for would-be tyrants. Nothing has
changed in the more than two hundred years we've operated under the
Bill of Rights. Human folly and deceit remains the same ... it's just
being televised.

You are correct that a single person can't make a successful stand
against a corrupted government.

However, I should remind you that there are an estimated 65 MILLION
gun owners (owning more than 200 million firearms) in America. Some
quite neutral authorities estimate there may be a firearm in almost
every other house in the United States. Read -

Suppose the state of affairs in this nation became so intolerable
that "They" came to get YOU? (For that matter, wouldn't you be the
VERY FIRST guy on their list?)

Having said that, you would obviously want us in the streets loudly
protesting. Unarmed, at first.

But at what point during your incarceration and "re-education"
would you appreciate the fact that many of us were willing to take
up arms to see you released? Men have been lynched by armed mobs ...
and men have been freed by armed mobs.

Or, in another not-so-unlikely event, what if house-to-house gun
searches and confiscations (as were conducted by malicious
governments throughout the entire 20th Century) start up here in
America, in the land of the free? Michael, it has already happened,
during Hurricane Katrina.

What do gun confiscations far too often lead to? Genocide. Mass
murder. Please take a moment to study the easy-to-understand
"Genocide Chart" that JPFO carefully researched and compiled. Trust
me, it is a wake up call. Reference -

The first few victims of American gun sweeps would be hauled off
for hiding their firearms or not meeting the registration check
lists, but word of such events would spread like wild fire. Maybe
the nation would hear about it from you first.

At some point, the jack boots would be met with force ... quite
likely a very significant force, from all directions. That is the
key point you overlook in your blithe dismissal: FROM ALL
DIRECTIONS. To be more accurate, from potentially 65 MILLION

What if the American government ever "goes bad" and becomes a
police state? That tyrannical government, IF it could enlist the
willing support of every American soldier and every American cop
(which is thankfully doubtful), could field perhaps a total of 1.5
million armed personnel. These duped soldiers and cops would have
to go to their jobs each day facing a bare minimum of 10 MILLION
very, very motivated and angry armed American citizens. The other
55 million would sit on the fence waiting, with their guns, to see
which way the tide was flowing.

Additionally, you must logically ask WHY the present government is
so obsessively committed to "gun control". If our government has
become so overpowering, so omnipotent, and it's a waste of our time
to even imagine resisting tyranny, then why do "They" even worry
about the citizens being armed?

And why did the political regimes that committed genocide though
the history of the 20th Century, first REGISTER and then CONFISCATE
firearms before marching unarmed masses off to killing fields?

If an armed government is so omnipotent, why have so many armed
governments gone to the effort and expense of gun confiscation?

The Turks did it to the Armenians. Lenin did it to Russians. Hitler
did it to many Germans and all Jews. Stalin gave Russians a
horrific double dose. And Mao, the world record holding mass
murderer, did it to Red China.

Michael, I understand that you support the police in America. So do
I. But don't let your loyalty to the men and women in blue cloud
your thinking.

Police are "public servants". That makes us, in the final
analysis, their masters. This is a somber realization, but
Americans must face this responsibility. We are their masters. They
work for us. Let them have their semi auto rifles. Gladly. Let them
even have their fully automatic machine guns. But that doesn't mean
they can dictate public policy, and deny us the same right to
personal self defense. Your or my life is NOT less important than
the life of a police officer.

When the police make the laws, it's call a "Police State".

A huge and overwhelming majority of American gun owners salute the
incredibly difficult job our police officers perform each day. But
if we allow laws that result in the registration and confiscation
of significant self defense weapons, and misguided cops march out
to enforce those laws, you will see Americans turn on those police
officers with a resentment that you cannot even imagine. Then we
can talk about "outgunned".


Aaron Zelman - Founder and Director JPFO



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