Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Something you must take the time to see...

It's called "End Game", and if you think the world has gone mad, in any country you happen to be, it has. If you don't subscribe to Prison Planet, you can subscrive for a few dollars for a month and download the films there for free and distribute them freely as well, as suggested. If you are curious about the rocket rise of the new US President, The Obama Deception is excellent. End Game is a film in 13 parts. It will shock you. I am sitting here telling you about it and I still can't believe what I've seen. It is a truly monstrous, incremental destruction of every shred of freedom you thought you had on a global scale. You will serve your masters. It is called global dominance by just a few ruling elite families. The Bilderbergers, the CFR, the eugenicists with nice names, the WTO, the World Bank, your royal families, leaders of government - all in collusion to dominate the people. The green movement is exposed. You will hate this; you will be shocked.

You owe it to yourself and to your families to take the time and watch it no matter who you are in this world.


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