Thursday, March 5, 2009

Obama's unclassy gift to Prime Minister Brown

Well let's see....

The Obama's could've have given them gift cards to Burger King, McDonald's, maybe to K-Mart,
Wal-Mart, Sam's, Popeye's Fried Chicken, KFC, Taco Bell?

Maybe even to Blockbuster...

Did you find this very presidential, O? Weren't you just a tad...ASHAMED?

Or just plain down home stupidity and ignorance. Class isn't something you can buy, O.

Did the Obama's make them stay in a camper somewhere on the White House grounds?

Did Michele show her buff arms? Show Mrs. Brown some exercises?

Pardon me while I slap my thigh - I feel a hysterical fit coming on. First time since he got elected!

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