Tuesday, March 3, 2009

From Col. Bob Pappass - Calling All Jews...

Calling All Jews, Obama is not the Messiah
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One wonders what planet American Jews who voted for Obama have been vacationing on, but it isn’t earth. When Rodham-Clinton in “diplomat speak” rather pointedly told Israel to ease up on Hamas and expedite aide to the Palestinian enclave, Clinton’s, or rather Obama’s (or both’s) anti-Israeli sentiment surfaced. That, in addition to the Presidential Proclamation granting over $20 million to Palestinians from Gaza (read Hamas) to immigrate to the U.S. in addition to nearly a billion dollars in aid to rebuild the damage caused by Israel’s reaction to Hamas’ daily rocket attacks from Gaza.
The U.S. Government’s overt display of anti-Semitism finally shook the Jewish community, which like too many others have been busy swooning at Obama’s every expertly read, “teleprompted” sentence; and, if they were not swooning, they were busy licking his basketball shoes.
That American Jews voted overwhelmingly for Obama at a time when it was crystal clear that Obama’s sentiments were anti-Semitic, in fact conciliatory to what appears to be a tyrant in incipient Nuclear Armed Iran, is puzzling. Obama’s ongoing Hollywood “cultural outreach” (now there’s an oxymoron) to Iran is one more indication of his bias.
For centuries, including F. D. Roosevelt’s gunpoint refusal to allow the S.S. St. Louis to enter American waters, much less allow the ship to land and allow its 907 Jewish passengers to petition for sanctuary from Hitler’s progroms, Jews sought to reestablish their presence in their ancient homeland. They actively began in the 19th Century and by the 20th Century they had made sufficient progress to reclaim Israel that in 1948 combined with the atrocities of the 3rd Reich, the U.N., with the moral if not fiscal support of the United States under Harry Truman, Israel was established as a Nation State.
Within hours of its establishment Israel was attacked by its Arab neighbors and without any help from the U.S. managed to repel it. Since then it has been the history of the region that Israel has had to actively defend itself. It is axiomatic that anti-Semites have sympathies with anyone who is against Jews. They have that right in America, a right for which many hundreds of thousands gave of the best years of their lives cement.
The same readers noted above probably do not like it when reference is made to the Bible, so for them, “brace yourselves.” Genesis 12:3 states, “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” Therefore, I stand with Israel.
When Ms. Rodham-Clinton made her recent remarks a number of American Jewish leaders actually spoke out in surprise. Mort Zukerman of U.S. News and World Report belatedly woke up and actually criticized Clinton. CBS carried a story that reminded viewers that Clinton kissed Suha Arafat, the deceased Palestinian terrorist’s wife when Rodham-Clinton arrived in the Palestinian territories. But when that act created an uproar and potential damage to her New York Senate bid, she “rethought” her position and became a “solid supporter of Israel.” That is, until now that she is Secretary of State under a manifestly anti-Semitic Administration. Note: That Rham Emmanuel, Obama’s Chief of Staff dirties himself is to his shame, and that Jews do not turn their backs on him is to theirs.
As a matter of record, Obama was a member of an anti-Semitic church for twenty years; was an admirer, if not supporter of Muslim anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan; was personal friends with Rashid Khalidi who according to World Net Daily, “Khalidi… a harsh critic of Israel, has made statements supportive of Palestinian terror and reportedly has worked on behalf of the Palestine Liberation Organization while it was involved in anti-Western terrorism and was labeled by the State Department as a terror group;” and, to repeat, Obama has made over 20 million dollars available for Palestinian (including Hamas) refugees from Gaza; and is providing $900 million for reconstruction of Gaza subsequent to the Hamas rocket attacks that induced the recent Israeli military response.
And American Jews are surprised?
Semper Fidelis
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Copyright © March 3rd, 2009, by Robert L. Pappas. With proper attribution, this essay may be quoted and redistributed. It may not be used in any way, in conjunction with any advertisement without the author's expressed written permission.

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  1. Why the shock? For generations American Jews have been overwhelming pacifists and anti-gun. These are the same traits that almost resulted in their ancestors’ extermination during WWII. Amazingly enough they do not have seemed to have learned their lesson from the Holocaust and the daily survival crisis that threatens Israel existence today. That they voted for the O-Man’s propaganda and against their own best interest is no surprise to me. They are largely a self-destructive people, easily pacified by facile rhetoric.

  2. I'm not surprised either, but I can't for the life of me understand it - and if you've been following my blog, you know that I'm not young, and certainly old enough to see wrist tattoos on older people when I was in NY in my 20s. They were badges like neon. Survivors!

    Besides the simple explanation of self-destruction, I'd like to hear your entire take. Write something for my blog.

    I also love JPFO's site. I know at least 3 (maybe 4) Jews who dearly love their firearms and believe in survival and self-protection. But they don't live in NYC!
