Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Col. Bob Pappas on Tolerance, Understanding and Totalitarianism

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Tolerance, Understanding and Totalitarianism
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The dirty little secret among Arab Muslims is that treachery has been an ethnic pastime for eons. They do not trust one another, they betray each other for sport, and their hatred for one another is exceeded only by their hatred for America, the symbol, albeit not the essence of Christianity, and Israel. Their treachery is manifest daily throughout the Arab Muslim world, backstabbing one another, all the while proclaiming, "Muslim brotherhood."
Even if contemporary Israeli-Palestinian turmoil were not a factor, Arab Muslims would be at one another's throats. There would still be despotic, evil regimes; and there would be intrigue and wars against one another. Yet, they would find time on a clam day to conspire with France, Germany, Russia and Communist China to destroy the U.S and Israel.. (Note: Hollywood Leftist are presently in Iran creating an atmosphere of "peace." Wasn't Obama the candidate who told the lemmings that he would sit down and reason with America's enemies without precondition? So, why the advance team?)
Arab Muslim nations will remain sources of treachery and violence against Christians and Jews (and all others) unless and until, whether or not anyone cares to admit or give it life, Islamic world domination is achieved. Surely these are "peaceful" people; of course they are. Islamic style. From infancy they are brainwashed, trained with religious zeal to hate anyone or anything that does not comport with their religion.
Even in moderation, they are collectively religious fanatics bent on world religious domination. Their vision is totalitarian in nature, like Communism of the 20th Century and contemporary American political "Obamaite" liberals who would have Government control and direct over every aspect of life in the guise of "compassion," or security.
During the last century the world witnessed the rise and fall of Nazism and Communism. That era resulted in the untimely demise of tens of millions of innocent people. But if Fundamentalist Islam is successful in its quest, the aforementioned dead will be trivialized by comparison.
They paint themselves as pure, with religious "justice" that includes sanctimonious robes, turbans, bearded faces…and summary beheadings. For all the evil, corruption and decay in the West, and there is plenty including: abortion on demand, pornography, drug abuse, free and perverted sex, that decadence is exceeded only by one other "socioreligiouspoleconomic" culture, Islam.
Semper Fidelis
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Copyright © March 9th, 2009, by Robert L. Pappas. With proper attribution, this essay may be quoted and redistributed. It may not be used in any way, in conjunction with any advertisement without the author's expressed written permission.

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