Monday, March 16, 2009

Col. Bob Pappas on Barbra Streisand (B.S.) and Obama

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Barbra Streisand (B.S.) and Obama
by Colonel Bob Pappas, USMC, Retired

Am I seeing spots before my eyes and hear ringing in my ears? Or have the prophets of doom and gloom changed their tune? Wasn’t it just a month ago that Obama and his lemmings were spouting that the economy was in such dire crisis that catastrophe was eminent without the economic stimulus bill? But, alas, now that same Obama and his propaganda arm at ABC, CBS, MSNBC are telling Americans a month later, to the effect that the “Stimulus” is already working and things are getting better and all will soon be okay.

In fact on Sunday Obama’s economic adviser Christina Romer affirmed during an NBC interview that the “fundamentals of the economy are sound.” Does anyone remember that from the campaign? Who uttered those words? It wouldn’t have been Senator McCain would it?

Who has the keys to the Golden Gate Bridge today? Evidently Obama’s lemmings are lining up to bid on them. Do I want the economy to improve? Of course I do. But Obama’s leadership thus far hardly inspires confidence; no surprise there especially since he informed us that he planned to totally change the economic system, spread the wealth around, and totally change the United States. I’m for change, but the right kind, not the kind that takes from those who work and gives to those who don’t nor have a desire to work.

Evidently Obama got the word that “words, just words” have an effect when those “words, just words” come out of the mouth of the President of the United States; President that is, if Obama is actually eligible to be, unless this whole thing turns out to be the biggest political hoax ever perpetrated.

Which reminds me, if Obama is so “transparent” why is he spending large sums of money to keep his birth, education and medical records so tightly sealed? All that does is further the atmosphere of distrust; and all the while I had the impression that he was out to “change” all of that especially since he told us that he would have the most ethical Administration in history.

Obama has brought “change we can believe in” alright. It this weren’t so serious it would make great comedy on SNL; but, on second thought I doubt SNL would have the guts to touch it with a ten foot pole.

Semper Fidelis
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