Saturday, February 21, 2009

US National Guard refuses to invade US town

A good sign.

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1 comment:

  1. "One of the techniques we use in today's political environment is cordon and knock," Kots explained. "We ask for the head of the household, get permission to search, then have them open doors and cupboards. The homeowner maintains control. We peer over their shoulder, and the soldier uses the homeowner's body language and position to protect him."

    All the above is blatant BS! The homeowner has NO control! Can the homeowner refuse them entry once they knock? Perhaps but no one is going to enter or leave your property until you permit their entry. If you refuse police entry into your home without a warrant they must leave. Since the military isn't the police, they have no mandate to leave and return with a warrant. If their orders permit, they can kick open the door and swarm inside. At least we know some of their tactics!
