Thursday, February 19, 2009

This is about Ted.

Faceless Ted of the ether is a devoted follower who drives me nuts when he comments after I've created a "nice" post, or one on animals.

He is consumed with the birth of Obama. There has never been proof of his citizenship given to the American people to pacify and satisfy them who doubt his American birth. I have grave doubts, which go hand-in-hand with his background in the gritty world of Chicago politics, being Kissinger's lapdog, and the missing time after law school. I really don't believe that he is an American citizen.

I read Hans Christian Andersen's "The Emperor's New Clothes". Maybe I'll print it here.

I believe this charismatic persona has been manufactured, brought forth from people who would destroy this country. While I still have freedom of speech, I will say this because it is what I fervently believe.

But Ted, at every opportunity, will insert a comment about this. I leave his comments here for you to read, because he's so passionate, and he has a right to leave what he wants. I respect his First Amendment rights.

Tonight he paid me a compliment.

Thank you, Ted, for being somewhere "there". I believe in your passion and together we
dig in the dirt for evidence. For truth.

I presume you are young - perhaps a Paulist. You know I'm a Paulist too, a grandmother with lots of gray hair.

When my fingers can't type; when my voice is less strident, then it's up to you to keep the country going in the right direction, under the Constitution and the founding documents.

I would rather be writing poetry, concentrating on the last chapter on a short story I've had in the works for too long, uploading my chick lit novel for older women to a POD publisher, and gathering my photographs for a month long solo show in September.

But I'm here writing about you.

Don't let the flame of your free heart burn out. Feed it daily. Love it, wear it on your sleeve or your t-shirt, nurture it and pass it on.

But don't hang your comments on my animal posts...PLEASE!

Anywhere else, they're just fine.

Thank you for subscribing.

I appreciate all that you say.

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