Thursday, February 12, 2009

Socialism vs. Jeudeo-Christian Economy by Col. Bob Pappas, USMC, Retired

Socialism vs. Judeo-Christian Economy
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“Considering the unabated flood of illegal immigrants, the steady exodus of living-wage jobs, escalating costs of home and transportation ownership, the largest Federal Budget and deficit in history, devaluation of the dollar, and huge trade imbalances, to name a few salient factors, it should be apparent that the national economy, despite marginal recent good news, faces enormous, if not overwhelming pressure.” Article titled, Matthew 10:23, August 1st, 2003
Stating the obvious, the United States is engaged in a war that will define its future. Note for CNN, Shepard Smith of Fox News and others in the media: the “War against Terrorism” is one war with fronts in Afghanistan, Iraq, Columbia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and covert skirmishes in a hundred other places are but one aspect of a far more defining war. However, the ultimate war is raging within the nation’s borders and is for the future of freedom and righteousness. One can only conclude from the outrageous content of liberal politicians’ daily attacks on their own nation for the past six years that they have been on the side of evil and treachery, not righteousness and good.
Of course now that Obama has descended, or should I say ascended, the nation is suddenly on the right track again. His cheap shots during the inauguration at former President Bush were over the top and low class, what else could one expect from him a man who is the ultimate empty suit? Yet some writers called it a “serious speech.” The speech was in a word, “constipated.” Gone were the high floating words, the soaring rhetoric, the angelic prose, now, “we will rebuild America.” Whereas one may agree that some of it needs rebuilding, conservatives should work with him when he is right, and oppose him with vigor when he is wrong; and, so far, on the economy, Iraq, Guantanamo, and the “stimulus” package, he is wrong.
Many Republicans, so called “conservatives” tell us they want Obama to succeed. At what? If he succeeds at his promises, the U.S. will descend the ladder to third world status in less than a decade. The poor chap doesn’t have a clue how the U.S. economy works, any more so than he knows how national security, or virtually the entire gamut of U.S. government functions work. Government is not the solution Mr. “O,” it is the problem. Government bureaucrats are empire builders. Creation of four hundred thousand new bureaucratic jobs does not boost the economy, it burdens it. Government does not create economies, it may regulate them, it may harm them, but central planning czars are reminiscent of Soviet central economic planning. Message to Obama, “it didn’t work.”
Illegal immigration from south of the border continues largely unchecked and presents an entire range of security, social and economic challenges. The “global economy,” driven by multinational corporations and fostered by successive U.S. administrations and congresses is decimating the nation’s manufacturing infrastructure; millions of US jobs have moved overseas and additional millions are in jeopardy of following. Labor unions, once good for workers, and mega-multi-national corporate exploitation and greed have devastated local economies, wreaked havoc with retirement plans and laid bare employees’ health care safety nets.
China’s, India’s, and Indonesia’s vast educated populations, with largely “third world” standards of living are vast labor pools and irresistible magnets for companies eager to improve profits—profits that will largely benefit corporate officers not American middle class or poor workers. The cost to produce goods in the U.S. makes most them largely noncompetitive on the international market and too often too expensive at home. Today, most consumer goods are produced in the Far East, and agricultural products increasingly come from south of the border. The latter squeezes out U.S. farm products and invites, if not promotes, the use of illegal immigrants in U.S. farming operations.
An analysis of U.S. production costs reveals that raw materials in virtually any production process are a relatively small fraction of the total costs to produce an end item. High taxes and outrageous union contracts do nothing but drive costs higher and more businesses overseas into the waiting arms of the aforementioned countries above, to name only a few. Seafood products, increasingly imported from Asia, undercut, squeeze and put domestic operations out of business, and its labor force becomes an additional unemployment and/or retraining burden on U.S. taxpayers.
The problems and challenges noted pale in comparison to the most serious threat to the nation, the war for the nation’s soul. Some liberal readers have observed that the writer is intolerant, and they are right. He is intolerant of evil, as everyone should be. The definitions of evil and good hinge on whether or not historical/traditional moral standards properly and adequately define them, or upon new age, so called, “enlightenment.”
The “brave new world” of political liberalism is socially, economically and politically regressive in concept and application. It is fair, and accurate to state that national survival is at greater risk today, directly attributable to liberal thought and successes, than at any time in its history. Liberals,’ of all political stripes, stranglehold on the moral rudder that guides the nation’s political life is wreaking havoc in homes, schools, entertainment, media, politics, justice, legislation and churches of America.
It is not adherence to traditional Judeo-Christian principles that result in the glut of prisoners in the nation’s prisons; the rise in the number of cases of AIDS among sexual perverts and needle using drug addicts; sexual perverts as church leaders and their inherent desecration of the institution of marriage as ordained by God; greed that pervades the corporate world; lust for power and ill gotten gain that animates too many politicians; sexual abuse of children by an apostate clergy; exploitation of women and children by the pornography industry; the savage taking of millions of lives of unborn children by the abortion industry fallaciously advanced as “a woman’s choice;” destruction of families by welfare slavery; abuse, abandonment and/or neglect of millions of children and elderly people by their own families; no, these are not the result of adherence to Judeo-Christian principles, they are the fruits of liberalism.
The predictable end-state of leftist liberals’ actions combined with the inaction of a slumbering conservative majority, are anarchy and chaos. Unless there is a change in direction toward righteousness, a paradigm shift toward decency, a quantum leap in the direction of morality, the foregoing will happen, and when it does, liberals’ predictable solution will be to impose totalitarian government. And should that tragedy occur, Nikita Khrushchev’s prediction, “Your grandchildren will live under communism,” will have reached full flower.
How can the trend be reversed? By returning to the moral principles that brought greatness to this nation. By electing leaders of character, who have both knowledge of politics and history, and are well grounded in Judeo-Christian principles. Note. For a more definitive discussion of the incongruity of sexual perversion and Christian discipleship the reader is invited to read
Contemporary liberalism is destructive individually and to the nation. Thinking people should awaken, reject it and return to the nation’s roots found in Judeo-Christian moral principles. If liberals find that to be not inclusive, it isn’t. They can get on board or miss the flight to eternal freedom.
Semper Fidelis
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Copyright © February 12th, 2009, by Robert L. Pappas. With proper attribution, this essay may be quoted and redistributed. It may not be used in any way, in conjunction with any advertisement without the author's expressed written permission.

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