Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Sen. Richard Shelby backs down on Obama's citizenship question.

Just called his office this morning and found that he's made a 180 turn on the comments he made. Yesterday when I called his office, the girl on the phone, an intern, was very exuberant - said the calls were coming in fast and furious and were supportive.

Today, same girl, I believe was very firm in saying that he clarified his statement and that he is satisfied.

Boy oh boy - This smells all the way from Washington, DC.

Oh yes - she hung up on me!

You know, if a public servant - especially a flunky answering the phone - should never EVER be allowed to hang up the phone on ANYONE. If you can't stand heat, leave.

Wonder who leaned on him. Wonder who threatened him. And with what?

Below is the link the Allan Keyes' blog with the entry on why Obama is questionable.


1 comment:

  1. It looks like Shelby was misquoted.


    Because this is what he sent out to people who asked him by mail:

    “Thank you for taking the time to contact me about President-elect
    Barack Obama’s citizenship status. I always appreciate hearing from
    my constituents.

    Under the United States Constitution, Section 1 of Article II
    contains a clause that states:

    “No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the
    United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution,
    shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any
    Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to
    the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident
    within the United States.”

    Many have contacted me regarding the numerous claims and lawsuits
    circulating on the internet asserting that Obama is not a natural born
    citizen and therefore ineligible to become United States President.

    However, President-elect Obama has presented his birth certificate,
    showing that he was born in Hawaii, and it has been verified and
    confirmed by Hawaiian officials. Additionally, the Supreme Court has
    declined to act on any of the cases contesting Obama’s citizenship.

    On January 8, 2009, Members of Congress were given the opportunity to
    contest the issue in a joint session of Congress, but no such
    objection was raised during the meeting. By-all accounts,
    President-elect Barack Obama meets those requirements. Please be
    assured that I will continue to monitor the situation should further
    issues arise.

    Thank you again for contacting me. If I may be of any further
    assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.

    Richard Shelby

