Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sample the Joy of William Wegman's Weimaraners on Sesame Street

In my lifetime, I have been the proud and patient owner of three of these wonderful dogs. They aren't for everyone because they get bored. But they are incredibly faithful to their family as well as being strikingly beautiful.

The first came from a puppymill and was found in a pet shop in Manhattan. A big "leftover" puppy, his brain was gone from severe inbreeding, and he lived a life of anxiety and misery because of it. When he became too vicious and unpredictable to be trusted with us, Gunther was euthanized. A sad day for the family.

Max and Molly came later. Well bred, steady, loving and dependable, they lived long and happy lives.

Wegman's dogs bring back wonderful memories.

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