Monday, February 23, 2009

Photosynthesis and green living (And Al Gore's stupid carbon tax)

Just a thought, looking out my dusty windows (I spend entirely too much time doing this, you know), at all my trees, the trees across the street.

Remember when we studied photosynthesis in school? When was that? Fifth grade? Something like that.

Well, if plants need carbon dioxide to live, and in return give us oxygen to breathe, then if we reduce the carbon dioxide in the air, the plants die and we are oxygen starved. We starve, our food supply dies (animal and plant) and then there will be no one to pay a carbon tax.

So why don't we just plant plants? Trees, shrubs, potted plants, vegies, vines and they will gobble up carbon dioxide and other things (plants purify the air we breathe, you know - I'm making this simple because the folks in DC are reading my blog every day except for weekends) ,
and give back lungs to our planet.

I remember years ago reading an article about Amazonia and clear cutting (which is an abysmal and unforgivable practice) which called the jungle/rainforest the lungs of our planet. This is where moisture rose (from the process called expiration) and became rain.

Did anyone think this through before they panicked?

I think instead of a carbon tax, we should be paid for planting native trees and turning our yards into pieces of planet lungs, like a huge network of alveoli.

And then maybe we could convince Al Gore and Pelosi (please God - such an idiot cannot be Italian) NOT to use his private plane so often, and send our President off in a compact car instead of a limo, and maybe use a train instead of US 1 so he doesn't use all that fuel. Maybe we should find a way to make vehicles in the USA that get 60 miles a gallon, something like the old VW bug.

Maybe what is good for the geese is good for the Ogander (and the environment, too).

I just got a Digg alert - I have to find the ink. China's now blaming us for their environmental problems! HAH!

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