Friday, February 6, 2009

Jump on the Read the Bills Act bandwagon with me.

I called Rep. Allen Boyd's office and also Sen. Mel Martinez about HR 645 and this very act,this week and had to tell the aides about this bill. You get a "Duh?" or "I know nothing" usually. Well, not in that word. It's amazing. IF your elected thug can't read the bill, or has an aide interpret it for him or her, and give an opinion as to yay or nay, then that's it.

What the hell is this? Why are they getting paid?

Oh, and when you speak to their offices, ask if the one answering the phone is an aide or an intern. You don't want to waste words on the interns. They really know nothing.

Come on - sign the petition.

Make them earn their money.

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