Friday, February 27, 2009

Did you know there's a national vaccine watchdog?

Well, here it is, and combined with what I'm hearing about Gardasil, several entries back, here's more ammo for you in your fight for parental freedom NOT to vaccinate.

Here where I live, there is a very aggressive county health department head, who, I am sure, would love to vaccinate everyone for everything. He is also known as the Doughnut Nazi.
He doesn't even want mothers to be able to send cupcakes or treats to school because their kitchens may give one of the kids salmonella. He would rather parents PURCHASE food from off the shelves (where is Newsom getting his information?) because food that is massed produced is safer...(yeah, melamine and high fructose corn syrup - real safe, Newsom).

But he is the health department head, and I would bet he would NEVER say NEVER to a vaccine.
That's his job. He's following orders.

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