Friday, February 6, 2009

BROADCASTER FREEDOM ACT/Freedom of the Airwaves

Do you believe in freedom of speech? You know I do!

To combat the Fairness Doctrine, which is being dusted off and resurrected, so that biased leftist crap can be spread to fertilize a socialist agenda, read about it here, and call your Representatives and Senators.

The toll free numbers to Congress again, are:


Hope you call and ask for your elected official to support the Broadcaster Freedom Act. This is being pushed by Democrats, who will have you think it is "fair and balanced". In fact it is not.
Go take a look for the text - you'll find it on Thomas.

Also, did you know airwaves are free? They are a natural phenomenon. Ask a ham radio operator. So why are we having to pay for cable tv and not be ALLOWED to listen or watch anything you want, on a tv antenna?

Think about it? Is this not mind control? You are hypnotized into thinking what you must look like, captive to opinions, the products of drug companies, and made a brainless idiot because you watch what is being fed to you.

Just a thought!

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