Monday, January 19, 2009

It's not "Change" - It's going to be "Chains"!

Liberty Maven has posted a new item, 'Barack Obama on Gaza and Mumbai -
Hypocrite Extraordinaire'

It is just going to be too easy to "Deep Fry the Barackcuda" during his
Presidency... it's almost as if this guy is George Bush!

by Jake, the Champion of the Constitution
Originally published Sunday, January 18, 2009 at

On January 20th, America will spend $150 million taxpayer dollars to inaugurate
Barack Obama's regime, which dwarfs the $43 million spent at King George II's
and the $33 million spent at Clinton's. Americans expecting "Change" are
hardly expecting their "Chains" instead. Right on cue, the Israeli army
claims a ceasefire is in effect, although their army still brutally occupies
Gaza, with at least 700 of the 1,300 dead civilians. Wouldn't want to have
Obama's joyful anointing interrupted by a little bloodshed, would we?
Wouldn't want to have another bombing of more United Nations buildings or
children in a schoolyard while Obama is swearing to obey the Constitution,
would we now?

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