Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A great blog called INVESTIGATING OBAMA

I spent the day yesterday in a cloud of mourning for my country and my Constitution. I witnessed a few minutes of the "celebration", and realized this would be a hip hop presidency. Had I started drinking from the time I awoke to the time I went to bed, I would be in the hospital with near fatal alcohol poisoning. I didn't watch it on tv because I didn't want to see the entranced celebrities gushing praise to the king that had just been coronated, nor did I want to see the crazed, mindless idiots who stood in the cold, some of them who could hardly scrape up the money to get there by bus.

It was obscene. $150 million to $180 million when the country is reeling in economic despair, recalls the days of the French revolution. "Let them eat cake." Cake and promises that can't and won't be delivered.

Then I heard this morning, on the Burnie Thompson, long audio of a video clip on "I Pledge". These people, celebrities included, are pledging to Obama, NOT to our country. Watch the brownshirts (Obama's "greenshirts" come to your door to confiscate your firearms...armed with heavy weapons someday - first to

I spent the day instead, trying to rescue dogs. A worthier cause.

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