Wednesday, January 21, 2009

From Misc_Survivalism - on Swiss gun control. Excellent little post.

I prefer to tell people I will happily go to a European form of gun control as soon as they are willing to accept the Swiss model which has historically produced crime rates substantially lower than any other major country on the continent. Seeing as the Swiss require military service and issue the individual a selective fire assault rifle to maintain in their home from the time they leave the service at 22 until they reach their mid 40s AND requires that they maintain proficiency with it at the government run ranges using government subsidized ammunition, I could live with that plan. They have VERY few crimes in Switzerland as every household if armed and government sanctioned shooting competitions beginning with airguns at age 5 insures that they are all excellent shots as well. The Germans considered invading Switzerland, but a German General familiar with the Swiss militia decided that it would be far too costly to try to do so. BTW the Swiss militia has been in existence for centuries and has protected Swiss neutrality in every major European conflict.

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