Tuesday, January 13, 2009

From the FIRE Coalition on illegal immigrants to the US

Will our country remain a sovereign United States of America or become another Latin American state?

We are reaching the tipping point in this fight for our country, especially in terms of demographic shift, and while we do not have the resources of the opposition, we still have the numbers.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has fired a shot across the bow by introducing S. 9, “Stronger Economy, Stronger Borders Act of 2009”. The title is misleading—it sounds like it is pro-American worker and pro-border enforcement. It is neither. The text is not available yet, but Senator Reid’s introduction given on the floor of the Senate is an announcement of amnesty for illegal aliens, including the removal of the border fence!

Suggested actions against S. 9 will come in the days and months ahead. The timing is dependent on the determination and arrogance of the open borders’ politicians in our Executive Branch and Congress to move this reprehensible agenda forward.

One of our immediate concerns is the United States government’s total disregard for the unemployed American worker! Our elected officials have shown by their inaction that they do not care about job loss or the suppression of the wages of American workers, from the unskilled to the highly technical.

The government of the United States is continuing to allow 138,000 foreign workers into this country every month on work Visas!

The continued importation of foreign labor, the failure to secure our borders and to enforce immigration law in this economic crisis is egregious. The fault lies with the globalists, the business lobby, the open borders lobby, radical ethnocentric groups and academia along with their bought and paid for elected representatives in the United States government.

We are partially to blame because many of us have become complacent bystanders to the destruction of our nation.

The importation of foreign labor is the subject of our action alert below.

I hope you find the reading informative and if you are so moved, please post your comments and any additional information you want to impart to readers of the Forum. And, please use the Digest and Forum to reach family, friends and acquaintances in spreading the word about our corrupt, non-representative United States government.

God Bless and Keep up the fight!

Jason Mrochek
Co-founder & Executive Director
FIRE Coalition

Why should you be concerned about the illegal alien invasion?

Take 30 Minutes and find out: http://www.FIRECoalition.com/30minuteeducation

Network with other patriots at http://forum.FIRECoalition.com

Read my blog at http://www.FIRECoalition.com/blog

Support American Workers:

Tips for informing our Senators and Representatives of our positions:

An email and a fax are fine, but nothing beats personally calling our federal and state offices for a little one-on-one with an aide. This guarantees your concerns will be heard, not deleted or shredded.

Be very polite and engaging. Pretend you are talking to your children, your grandchildren, a niece or nephew or a younger friend. These aides most usually in their early 20’s!!!

Be well-informed and ask “did you know” or “do you think Congressman ____ or Senator ________ is aware” questions.

Do not express anger! This only gives them an excuse not to listen.

Possible talking points when calling the offices of your United States Congressman and your two Senators:

  • Pleasantly inform them that you are an American citizen living in the state or district where their bosses were elected to office by those American citizens they swore an oath to represent.
  • Ask them why American jobs are not being protected from the monthly importation of 140,000 foreign workers and unknown quantities of illegal aliens. (Source: The Department of Homeland statistical data)
  • Ask them if Senator _____ or Congressman________ would like to comment on why American jobs are going to foreign nationals over United States citizens.
  • Ask them if they or other staff members know that based on the number of jobless claims, it appears that in excess of 2 million American jobs were lost in 2008.
  • Ask them if the Senator or Congressman they work for understands that the American people deserve to have the jobs that American businesses, farmers and other American institutions are giving to foreign visa holders and even illegal aliens.
  • Thank them for their time in listening to you and tell them you, friends and family will be watching for Senator _______ or Congressman _________ to introduce and/or vocally support legislation that ends the importation of the foreign laborers…the labor that keeps Americans jobless and suppresses Americans wages.
  • Inform them that now, more than ever, is the time for enforcement of immigration laws. No amnesties are acceptable and would be great and permanent harm to the sovereignty of America.


    OTHER MEANS OF COMMUNICATING AND DIRECT LINES: http://www.congress.org/congressorg/directory/congdir.tt

    Background information on the failure of our government to protect American jobs in favor of cheap foreign labor, even as jobless claims rise:

Noteworthy news stories on immigration for the week of January 3, 2009—January 9, 2009

  1. Amnesty Bill Introduced: "Stronger Economy, Stronger Borders Act of 2009" SESBA

    Senator Harry Reid introduced S. 9 (the text of the bill is not available yet)

    Excerpt of comments by Senator Reid on the Senate floor:

    Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, as we begin the 111th Congress, we will try, once again, to enact comprehensive immigration reforms that have eluded us in the past several years. With an administration that understands the critical necessity of meaningful reform and that understands the policy failures of the last 8 years, I am hopeful that the new Congress can finally enact legislation consistent with our history as a nation of immigrants…more…


  2. Ruling Says Deportation Cases May Not Be Appealed Over Lawyer Errors

    The Bush administration has issued a ruling that illegal immigrants do not have a constitutional right to effective legal representation in deportation hearings, closing off one of the most common avenues for appealing deportation decisions…


  3. New Report: U.S. Infrastructure Overwhelmed by Influx of Immigrants

    $1.6 Trillion Needed to Repair and Maintain Nation's Hospitals, Schools, Parks, Water Supply, Bridges, and Basic Infrastructures

    WASHINGTON, D.C.- Immigration policies need to go hand-in-hand with decisions to repair the deteriorating U.S. infrastructure, according to a unique new report to be released on January 13. ""The Twin Crises: Immigration and Infrastructure,"" by prominent researcher Edwin S. Rubenstein, will be released by the Social Contract Press on January 13 at a news conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C…


  4. Housing Push for Hispanics Spawns Wave of Foreclosures

    California Rep. Joe Baca has long pushed legislation he said would ""open the doors to the American Dream"" for first-time home buyers in his largely Hispanic district. For many of them, those doors have slammed shut, quickly and painfully.

    Mortgage lenders flooded Mr. Baca's San Bernardino, Calif., district with loans that often didn't require down payments, solid credit ratings or documentation of employment. Now, many of the Hispanics who became homeowners find themselves mired in the national housing mess. Nearly 9,200 families in his district have lost their homes to foreclosure…


  5. Most Mexicans in U.S. Have No Thought of Returning Home

    MEXICO CITY -- Some 54 percent of Mexicans who emigrated to the United States have no thought of returning to their native land, even though they foresee difficult times ahead because of the economic situation, according to a survey published Friday in the daily Reforma…


  6. Immigration Lobbying: A Window Into the World of Special Interests

    Immigration policy consistently ranks near the top of the list of issues that concern Americans. Polls show that most Americans do not believe that our nation’s immigration policies serve the public interest and believe that these policies need to be overhauled, and that laws against illegal immigration need to be enforced.

    Given the intense public concern about immigration policy, it is not surprising that the issue has been the subject of numerous high profile pieces of congressional legislation in recent years. And, where there is congressional legislation, there are inevitably lobbyists trying to shape the content and influence the outcome. What is eye-opening is the scope of interest groups that have been involved in lobbying Congress on immigration policy, how much money these interest groups spend on lobbying in Washington, and how little of it is directed toward promoting the public interest…


  7. U.S. smoothes away an illegal border crossing wrinkle

    A massive earth-moving project is transforming Smuggler's Gulch near San Diego from a narrow canyon used by cattle thieves, bandits and illegal immigrants into a plugged breach.Smuggler's Gulch lived up to its infamous name.

    For a century, the narrow canyon leading into California from Mexico provided cover for cattle thieves and opium dealers, bandits and booze runners. More recently, it has hidden thousands of illegal immigrants on their journey north, sealing its place in border lore.

    Now, it's a fading memory…


  8. Immigration Demands Heat Up Before Obama Takes Over

    Weeks before President-elect Barack Obama officially takes office in Washington, calls for a comprehensive immigration reform package are getting louder.

    And the calls are coming from lawmakers, academics, immigration advocates and newspaper editorials. What they are demanding is early attention to be paid to the immigration issue, which, understandably, was placed on the backburner during the two-year election campaign that culminated in the Obama victory over Senator John McCain on November 4th.

    “There are myriad claims to Barack Obama’s attention and the list will only grow before January 20,” said Dr, Jorge G. Castaneda, professor of Latin American and Caribbean studies at New York University in Manhattan. “But immigration reform, and more immediately, putting an end to the outgoing (Bush) administration’s unfortunate and inhuman immigration enforcement policy should be high on the President elect’s list.” More…


  9. Immigration Transforms Communities

    Jim D. Rollins had been superintendent of the Springdale public schools in northwest Arkansas for almost a decade when the mostly white community began its dramatic transformation into a booming gateway for immigrant families and their non-English-speaking children.

    In 1990, the district, with just under 8,000 students, had virtually no English-language learners, or ELLs. By last fall, its English-learner population alone stood at 7,000 children—roughly 40 percent of the total enrollment of 17,400 students. A thriving economy in and around Springdale over the past 15 years, driven mostly by job growth at Tyson Foods, the world’s largest poultry producer, and Wal-Mart Stores Inc., the world’s largest retailer, had attracted thousands of immigrants from Mexico, as well as a significant number of families from the Marshall Islands in the South Pacific…


Top commentary for the week of January 3---January 9, 2009
  • GOP Needs a Rethink on Immigration, by Mark Krikorian, Director of the Center for Immigration Studies

    As the 111th Congress convenes, Republicans need to rethink their immigration policy.

    For too long the Republican story line has been “Too Much Lawbreaking,” when instead the real problem is “Too Much Immigration” — only one part of which involves lawbreaking. This exclusive focus on illegal immigration — opposing amnesty and pushing for more enforcement — is both incomplete and counterproductive. Incomplete because the effects of illegal immigration aren’t that different from those of legal immigration — an illiterate Central American farmer with a green card is just as unsuited for a 21st-century economy as an illiterate Central American farmer without a green card. And it’s counterproductive because the focus on criminality can seem punitive and serve to polarize the debate, potentially aliening not just immigrant voters, who really aren’t that numerous, but the native-born, who want less immigration but don’t want to feel bad about themselves for holding such a view…


  • ‘Americanization’ of Immigrants for the 21st Century, by La Shawn Barber

    In the early 1900s, immigration in the U.S. reached a high point, which prompted Americans to educate immigrants about the culture. The “Americanization” movement focused on helping immigrants to become “civic-minded and participatory.” While naturalization was the end result, the process was designed to teach them American values and to foster a sense of civic responsibility. Government agencies, the education system, community organizations, faith-based organizations, and others were involved…


  • Illegal Aliens Are NOT Leaving The United States, by Digger of Digger’s Realm

  • I've been hearing stories left and right for the past few months that illegal aliens are leaving the country in droves. They say that the economy and rising unemployment have driven illegal aliens from south of the border, back across it. I have been severely skeptical of such statements because I believe they are outright wrong and news stories bury in them proof that it is not true.

    The Border Patrol will tell you apprehensions are down. Surely this is proof that few illegal aliens are coming across the border right? Well no, it means that apprehensions are down, in other words they aren't catching them…


  • Immigrant Gangs: Pols still don’t get it, by John Feere

    In their quest for open borders, many politicians still fail to understand the link between immigration and the growth of gangs.

    The latest example is chairman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, Rep. Joe Baca (D-Calif.) – who happens to have one of the worst records on immigration enforcement. In the next Congress, Baca plans to introduce an initiative to fight gangs. It sounds like a great idea, but if his past efforts are a guide, it’s likely that this initiative will focus only on prevention programs akin to the anti-drug program known as D.A.R.E. More…


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