Tuesday, January 20, 2009

An email I came across re Ramos and Campeon

This came from a list - I chose not to include the writer's email. It is just something for you to think about.

OK, I get to be the contrarian, sort of. I spent a lot of time in Law Enforcement. I was a Special Agent in the old USINS so I did a lot of what Compean and Ramos did work wise only I didn't wear a uniform and I worked in town.

The Federal government's policey on the use of deadly force is clear. Deadly force may only be used to protect the life of ones self, a fellow officer or an innocent third party...period. Compean and Ramos violated that policy.

These two shot a man who was running away from them. They then tried to cover up the incident. The claim the shootee had a gun and brandished it at them. If they made a report to that effect probably the most they would have had to endure was a repremand, and I bet they wouldn't have gotten that. The didn't do that and instead destroyed evidence and lied to their superiors. Concealing evidence is considered guilty knowledge. That's the way it is folks.

They got caught and Johnny Sutton, with the consent of the Justice Department and probably the president decided to make an example of them.

I don't believe for a minute that this was collusion between the Bush administration and Johnny Sutton. I believe it was collusion between the Bush administration and the Mexican government.

These two should have lost their jobs for what they did and nothing more. The U.S. Attorney should have declined prosecution in this case in favor of dismissal by the Border Patrol of the two agents.

Bush should have commutted the sentences of these two men long ago and that he didn't is a travesty.

That dosen't make Ramos and Compean "Heros." They aren't that by a long shot.

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