Tuesday, January 27, 2009

ADHD Drugs cause wild hallucinations


From www.naturalnews.com

My son was wild. He wanted to be the center of attention - the class clown. He was always into mischief in grade school. I hated those calls from school. "He's swinging from the pipes in the boys bathroom", "Your son has been caught with a friend on the roof of the school", "Your son will not control himself in the classroom", "Your son would get better grades if he would just stop talking!"

He made it to junior high just in time to escape the first onslaught of ADHD drugs. I'm sure he would have been asked to take then. By then he was too involved with dirt bikes, his Mongoose bicycle, sports, break dancing, the first attractions to girls and he began to grow out of cutting up, as my mother called it.

He has a wild daughter. My granddaughter is indeed, a free spirit. She begins grammar school this year. I hope that the teachers will not pressure her parents to medicate her. Her brother, two years younger, is a milder boy, but strong-willed. We shall see. I do not trust public schools.

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